Henduhra Lawspeaker

Henduhra Lawspeaker, is a Sua Hill Dwarf Lawspeaker. She is a refugee from Fultar's successful war against the Sua Hill dwarves, and fled to Hammerfast. While wealthy enough and with a important political position to reside in the inner wards, she decided to reside with the poorer refugees in the Gate Ward. She works closely with Dannis Lawguardian.   In the Sua Hills, the dwarves were ruled by a King and the government was organized in a military fashion due to the threat of or actual war with Fultar. The Lawspeakers only annouced what the law, edits and past judicial decisions were, but judicial power was in the hands of the king.  A Lawaguardian was a non-military arm of the king, and exercised executive and police powers with the responsibility for enfocing the customary laws and traditions along with the edicts and pronoucemetns of the king. In the Suan hill dwarf diaspora, the Lawguardians are now responsible for enforcing the laws annouced by the Lawspeakers. The Lawspeaker and Lawguardians have not yet established who will hold judicial powers, which were previously the domaine of the king, or his designated representatives.