
Latona is a Ranger that is a member of The Company of the Furies: Eumenides.   She has no permanent abode, and her travels take him around the wild lands, as she continually seeks new lands to investigate and new lands to study. No region is too remote, no society too primitive to pique the her interest. She is an expert in communication, survival, and anthropology, and her skills are invaluable for safely navigating uncharted terrain and negotiating with suspicious natives. She joined the Company motivated as much by curiosity to explore the Wild Reaches as money.   She was hired in the Fultonian town Khyber. The Company interviewed a number of potential ranger and scout candidates, and ultimately hired Latona. While not familiar with the Wild Reaches, but she is continually seeking new lands to investigate and new cultures to study. She is a skilled cartographer and skilled in guiding expeditions through unexplored territory.   Her weapons are long sword with a Wolf head hilt and Norse runes, a dagger, and a short bow. She wears no armor. She often is found writing and taking notes in a personal book as well as editing and amending a book: De Flora et Fauna.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is short, muscular and quiet.  She wears drab black, brown and green clothing.  She typically paints her face and hands with brown and black face paint when exploring.

Cover image: by Ezra Winter