Lestor: Mage of the Necromantia

A mage from the Order of the Necromantia slain in the Siege of the Gnoll Rock Fort: Game 2  Loot:  
  • Letters between him and a lover from Fulton, Adelette.
  • 250 gp, 200 pp
  • Conch: Horn of the Tritons
  • Seashells,
  • Potion of Water breathing
  • Pearl of Sirines 
  • Bracelets of Protection: Golden Rams.
  • Wand of magic missiles: 15 Ordinary wooden wand  
  • Silver pendant: Young Empress Beuva with Imperium Aetrnum on one side, and a bay tree being hit by lighting on the other side. +5 saves and half damage from electricity attacks and acts as a brooch of shielding.
  • 1st
  • Alarm
  • Chill Touch
  • Detect Undead
  • Erase
  • Grease
  • Identify
  • Read Magic
  • Shield
  • Wall of Fog
  • 2nd
  • Spectral Hand
  • Strength
  • Summon Swarm
  • Stinking Cloud
  • Wizard Lock
  • 3rd
  • Comprehend Languages
  • Feign Death
  • Haste
  • Hold Undead