Morninglow Tower

A beautifully gilded structure, Morninglow Tower is Eastpoint Castle’s temple of Tya Nehru. Standing over the rest of the town, it shines proudly on the hill next to the outer walls of the ducal castle. The stone side that faces the town is decorated with rosy stones and glittering quartz, creating the image of a shining sun in homage to Tya Nehru. That side is a facade, since the eastern wall is open to the rising sun (and to the arrows of defenders if the tower is ever taken during a siege).   Lilia Sunbright leads worship in the tower. The ducal family worships at this temple, and Lilia considers the Lord Maldwyn, Duke of the Nearer Reaches and the Lord of Eastpoint Castle favor to be a mark of distinction she has somehow earned, despite the fact that dukes of Eastpoint Castle have worshiped here since long before she was born. The priest is class conscious, but farmers and merchants who come to rites at this temple are never brushed aside in favor of wealthier folk.