Odium Moulim

Odium Moulim is a nondescript middle aged man from Fultar that was rescued by a party of adventurers in Fairy Rescue: Game 4. Odium is wizard of some power whose is main interest in life is astronomy and astrology. He is from a wealthy family, accustomed to a life of leisure, and grumbles and complains if he needs to suffer the hardship of ordinary peasants and workers.   Odium explained to the party of adventurers that he was visiting the Abbey on business when the fairies and the necromancers from the Order of the Necromantia engaged a great battle. The Necromancers built an Abby on a sacred fairy island that shifted in and out of the world of mortals, and was always invisible to those without the magical password. Smugglers first discovered the island, and their necromancer allies soon joined them.   Odium sided with the humans, and there was a great battle in which other travelers visiting the Abbey used the stolen the Earth Shaker, a great lute called Tar Eneemena in the Druidic tongue. The discordant music from the lute caused great destruction to the Isle with great earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Odium survived the great destruction. He says he is no coward, and gave a good account of himself during the battle, but survived by mere chance. He ran through the burning building to save his spell book and other valuables. As the flames mounted, Odium was forced to retreat to the cellars with his rescued goods.   Odium had business elsewhere and was desperate to leave the Isle and return home to Northern Fultar. The adventuring party struck a deal with Odium, who made them sign a written contract and agree to make a token payment to him.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A middle aged bald man with beady and penetrating eyes, a pot belly, and a generally weak physique.
By Miguel Hermoso Cuest