
Redcliff, a 40 year old human with experience animal handling for the Fultonian army. He jointed the The Company of the Furies: Eumenides in Eumenides, or The Company of the Furies: Game 1. The Company provided him with a short sword and studded leather. Redcliff is plain and nondescript, and keeps to himself.    When younger, he lived a more wild life of drinking and gambling. He has not completely given up on either, but practices them in moderation. He never risks too much money and the Company has never seen him intoxicated.     His years in the Fultonian army have taught him strict discipline and a healthy sense of the danger of combat and warfare.  While not a coward, he has no desire to kill or risk his life for money, glory or other earthly and divine purposes.  He has not shown any great generosity, but neither does he appear to have a cruel streak or desire to take advantage of others.   He has proven to reliable and more than competent.  He has shown an ability to handle the animals under challenging and combat situations, is reliable and prompt, and never panicked.  The fact that he blends into the background and no issues have arisen speaks highly of his skills and value that he has provided to the Company.
A young Redcliff.

Cover image: by Ezra Winter