Trunk: Frost Giant

Frost Giant Rebellion: Room 21 Trunk with clothes and a secret lid with 6 schrolls:  
  1. map of the Fire Giant King;
  2. spell: protection from magic;
  3. explosive ruins that Twin detects the trap;
  4. spells: crystal brittle and energy drain;
  5. Scroll: Monster Summoning II with the poem: “The monster and the man”,
  6. Scroll: Emotion with the poem: “Love poem” by Ovidius, an ancient Fultonian poet
  "Monster and the Man": No thought had the monster of deferring the murder But on earliest occasion he quickly laid hold of A soldier asleep, suddenly tore him, Bit his bone-prison, the blood drank in currents, Swallowed in mouthfuls: he soon had the dead man’s Feet and hands, too, eaten entirely.   "Love poem": I don't ask you to be faithful - you're beautiful, after all -but just that I be spared the pain of knowing. I make no stringent demands that you should really be chaste, but only that you try to cover up. If a girl can claim to be pure, it's the same as being pure: it's only admitted vice that makes for scandal. What madness, to confess by day what's wrapped in night, and what you've done in secret, openly tell! The hooker, about to bed some Fultonian off the street still locks her door first, keeping out the crowd: will you yourself then make your sins notorious, accusing and prosecuting your own crime? Be wise, and learn at least to imitate chaste girls, and let me believe you're good, though you are not. Do what you do, but simply deny you ever did: there's nothing wrong with public modesty. There is a proper place for looseness: fill it up with all voluptuousness, and banish shame; but when you're done there, then put off all playfulness.