Dagger of Riposte

A basket hilt parrying dagger made from light, high-quality steel that has been imbued with magic to help the wielder react more quickly to incoming attacks, and turn them into opportunities for a riposte by the wielder. The dagger itself looks fairly plain, with an unadorned double-sided blade, long straight quillons, a pommel that is lightly decorated with an etched pattern of straight lines running from top to bottom and a large basket hand-guard that stretches from the quillons down to the pommel, and gives enough coverage to protect the entirety of the wielders hand. The basket-hilt itself is made out of parallel cylindrical strips of bent metal that come together at the pommel. The metal of the basket-hilt has been deliberately darkened so that it does not reflect too much light, which would potentially give away the wielder’s position. Although the item is magical, there is little evidence of its magical properties on the weapon itself, though magically sensitive individuals that are near it and hold it will be able to sense its hidden power.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

1d6 Piercing damage (Damage counts as magical).   When a creature misses you with a melee attack you can make a reaction attack against them. You must roll to hit as normal. Can be used four times per day, recharges after a long or short rest.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
1.8lb/ c.0.8kg
19”/c.48cm from pommel to tip, blade length of 12”/c.30cm
Base Price

Cover image: by Chris Pyrah


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