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Muros, the Thief

Archmage Muros Fusilo (a.k.a. Muros the Thief)

Muros was a powerful wizard who focused on conjuration. He was the only notable member of the second generation of mages trained by the The Circle of Nine's original members. The members of the Circle all took apprentices, but they were notorious for being impossible teachers.   Muros is the one student that grew to hold a mastery over magic that matched his master, Runior. Although Runior was a master of Enchantment, which naturally held influence over his apprentice, Muros eventually came to specialize in a school of magic that had been previously unrepresented on the Circle, Conjuration. His dealings with spirits eventually took a toll on his mind and body, but he was able to gain power from sources unknown to the mages of his time. Many mages of his time, including the Circle of Nine, shunned Muros to some extent as a result of his strange appearance later in his life.   Muros's reputation famously suffered greatly following his creation of the House of Loss. Muros worked with Runior while his master worked on the Archive of Runior. Inspired by his mentor's work, Muros sought to create a building of similar utility. He strove to create a mechanism by which mortals did not need to fear losing their belongings to their own imperfections. The House of Loss was meant to be a temple to house an army of spirits to uncover the world's lost things. Muros summoned thousands of spirits with a penchant for seeking and hoarding, and set them to the mission of finding the forgotten.   His master Runior was horrified at the creation. He famously called his student's creation "a planar incursion of our own making" and demanded that the House be destroyed. He also heavily criticized the tendency of the House spirits to take objects that might well have been found again, and coined the naming of Muros as a thief.   Master and student squabbled for some time, until Runior finally convinced the Circle that his apprentice had lost his way. Effectively excommunicated from mage society, Muros closed down the activities of the House. He never again allowed an invader to the temple however, and the world's focus on Muros faded with the events surrounding the  No Press if in my game!
arrival of Hadar, the Devourer of Worlds
Yellow eyes, with pupils shaped like diamonds
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark tan skin
110 lb


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