Wibba Myth in Ultimus | World Anvil
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An urban legend popular amongst the City of Mourn used primarily to scare kids into coming home before dark. It tells of a child who, after sneaking out of his house, was found early the next morning with severely broken legs and was ruled an incident via bleeding out from falling. He has a pale complexion, short messy brown hair, and tear-stained eyes. When you first encounter him there are two things that could happen; the first is he will be just far enough to not see is deformed legs, and he will ask in a shaky voice if you could help, if you try to help he will then just disappear but if you ignore or decline he will come crawling at impossible speed to kill you. The second is you'll hear crying as you pass over a bridge; if you try to inspect where it's coming from he'll be leaning against the side with broken legs and shining eyes, if you walk over the bridge and continue on you will hear a yelp and the sound of water splashing as he falls off the bridge. At this point, if you go over you won't find anyone in the water but he will appear from right under the edge of the side and drag you into the river to drown you; if you still choose to continue on you will find yourself with the previous scenarios of him appearing in the streets.

Maybe after Inktober, when I have writer's block I will come back to this and write the actual story rather than a base description.
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Author's Notes

Sunday was a very unproductive day for me in terms of art and writing; it rained all day which normally calls for distractions and home-baked goods. It is 1 AM as I start working on this article but I will wait to publish it for the morning.

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