Guan Dao Character in Umbra Bibliothecam | World Anvil
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Guan Dao

Warchief Guan Dao

The buffer zone between the regions of Criosia and the [url=]Votar Tok is an inhospitable land where miscreants live on scarred earth, littered with ruins of civilization long forgotten. Few would settle in this area, as constant raids of the Eastern tribes of Votar Tok make establishing a permanent abode a death wish.   Most who reside in these lands do not do so out of choice. Those banished by law or inadequacy, living a harsh life pillaging and strealing from each other. Warriors roam in marauding war bands preying on others, cannibalism is uncommon but not unheard of. Those bands that survive long enough and become tribes staking the land for themselves in make shift warcamps. It rarely lasts, as once the warrior chieftain dies, rarely does another show strength to keep the war band together.   As a half-orc, Guan Dao was probably a product of these raids. He does not remember his origins, and cares little for them. Like many of the roaming warriors he was pressed into a roaming gang at a young age. As a half Orc he was mocked for his soft features, being taunted as a delicate thing. Part of a mixed band of more than a hundred warriors, he learned to fight in an Orc warfa, curiosly led by two large orcs: Tsao Meng, warchief of the pack and Han Liu champion of the vanguard. The former taught the warrior tactics of combat, the second trained him to wield what would become Guan Dao's preferred weapon, the glaive.     As the spoils of war and the warband grew in patallel, dissent emerged between those following Tsao Meng and those loyal to Han Liu. In an act begun in order to consolidate power, Tsao Meng killed Han Liu in combat but was left to die by the rest the warband, as the leader seemed to be mortally wound. Guan Dao's anger due to Han Liu's slaying led to his abandonment of Tsao Meng which he secretly bitterly regrets.     Guan Dao travelled through Criosia, fighting for a living, working as a mercernary at times with odd fellows who knew the value of an Orcish warrior. Travels and work led him to the turbid town of Maraga's Stills, a location of re-stocking for those of ill repute. While staying the night in one of the many taverns, he overhead an unexpected conversation. A warrior called Zhang Fao was discussing with five comrades their route to Maraga's Gate. They had been given strict orders by Tsao Meng to establish a small warcamp and grow their warfa to prepare for a future operation. He had no further information. Guan was equally relieved and angered by the news of Tsao Meng's survival. He followed small warband to the north, through the gates of Caleta Lake and into the pastures of Maraga. As he entered the high-city, looking for a blacksmith... A young lady with an odd child approached him. With open eyes and odd fascination, she offered him some cheese. And the story begins...
Current Location
Sansi (location unknown)
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Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Green

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Scout's Journey
Winter 56

We woke up late, and spent a few hours speaking with Benin about the details of the job. He knew little, effectively a colony of a 150 Kobolds who often contacted them had gone silent. Benin's patron knew this had been due to an enemy infiltrating the colony and turning into a lair. After a long discussion Peace suggested we scout the area. A quick review of the map yielded that it was a 6 day journey from our location to the end point. We decided to try going to Onete, a town east of Simpa. We could cross the woods south and get to the location faster. Calliope would stay behind, as she is quite busy at the moment engaging in diplomacy with the captain. We collectively decided she could wait for the troops and escort them down to the location. We could meet in a village right before our end point.   We decided to visit a local potion maker to find invisible potions. They didn't have them. Laurentius very bluntly asked if there was a back shop where special goods, with the shopkeeper, Paela, dismissing him quickly. We left the city and a man offering trinkets worth little approached us. We rejected his worth, but I did perceive off the corner of my eye Nak taking something with him. We headed to the next town, Onete, in a quiet journey. To liven the ride we decided to head through the woods. Our dear druid pulled out an advert she had ripped from a wooden board in Simpa. There was a warning for a Hypogriff in an abandoned tower near. We ventured there, at Laurentius, in all his glory, casted silence on himself. Once he realised the foolishness of the endeavour, he dispelled the spell. At the top of the tower we met Sir Mil, a small fairy who claimed to be a knight, with his mighty steed.... The Hypogriff in question. After polite conversation, a duel to first blood was had between Laurentius and the Hypogriff, with the later winning. Dominic was second, with significant success thanks to the Druid and Laurentius spells. Peace tried to use the victory to beckon the knight to hand over his mount, with no effect, as apparently the creatures bind to their riders early, before they are born even still in the eggs.   We left, tread the mountains and found an Owlbear nest (AC <17, HP <68) with four of the creatures, as the rest of the company battled these creatures, I ventured into the caves. No eggs or babies, but I did find a trail of dust. I picked some up. Nak and Peace later identified it as the remains for a teleportation. I didn't realise how ominous that was until we began descending the mountain and a loud voice boomed across the trees. A recognisable voice beckoned, asking for a deck of cards. It was the necromancer we fought against in Simpa. We rushed to meet him in battle after Laurentius spotted him in a ridge. As the troop emerged from the crevice I grabbed Laurentius and threw him the air in the direction of the necromancer. He silenced using spells the Necromancer, who was promptly held by Nak's magic. I asked Laurentius for a heated scythe, and as Nak held the necromancer's mouth open I cut his tongue and put my gwent deck in his mouth. After a brief discussion, Nak slit the fool's neck. We sacked his body and burnt it, and hed to Onete. We found a small tavern called the Stunted Pony where we stayed the night in two cheap rooms. Busy day!

Road to Simpa
Jan. 57

We just came back from a kidnapping. Thats the last time I take a job while drinking. We escaped that wretched necromancer on the outskirts of Cava. He poisoned us, I think. I feel fine to be honest. Anyways almost butcher the guy who kidnapped us then he just vanished. Hopefully we will find him and I can cut him in half! Anyways back to our road Simpa.   We lost Nak, the Aasimar and me started to track him in a forest I know little of. It all felt very foreign. We managed to find him a hard spot and pulled him out using a rope. Then we returned.   We reached Simpa, the high walls and towers greeting us afar. As we approached we noticed a board with 6 wanted posters. Our faces in them. Isala approached a local vagabond, and for a silver coin asked for information. Apparently we're heroes and we're to report to the Captain. As we tried to enter we were stopped by guards, but Benin skilfully described as servants, the bastard. As we entered the city we used our cloaks and other items to hide our resemblances. We left the cart in a side tavern. The tavern is called the Great Stop and is owned by Hospitality, with her husband behind the bar. I met Barbara, the cart-builder and agreed to the purchase of two carts.   Everyone baths, and we decide to approach the Captain by way of a transformed Calliope, as to find out if there is truly a manhunt going. Calliope goes in and meet Liutenant Esmeralda. Apparently the King of Sansi wants our help in fighting against Llerath. I'm not sure what he's asking makes any sense to me, apparently our escape in Maraga was categorised as a 'valiant fight'. Ironic, I was out of it for most.   On the way back some guard stopped me, the rest of the Company left for the pub. I returned with them and met the captain. He explained the situation, they are looking for someone to support the King in their war with Llerath. He agreed to my completing the quest we are currently on. I returned with the Liutenant pack to the pub and spoke with the team. They left to meet the captain. I won an arm wrestle with Barbara and paid 375 gold coins for a covered carriage and a cart. Theyll be ready in 6 days.   We spoke with the Captain, agreed to finish the mission and would meet him in two weeks for the city fair. We returned, and I met Barbara in my room. A true battle was had that evening. Breakfast was terrible. Still, we're here, with 6 days to go before the cart and the wharfa arrives!

Hunting a Warfa in Maraga
Summer. 56

These memories were written long after they happened, I was lucky to have friends around to remind of the exact details.

Last Drink at The Stilts of Maraga
Winter 56

These memories were written long after they happened. I only learned how to read after, and writing doesn't to be too difficult if you know how to read and you know how to fight!   Roughly two years after the death of Liu Han in his fateful duel with Tsao Meng, I found myself working odd contracts as a mercenary for various troops and armies. None paid too well, and as Votar Tok frontier was closed my only option was to head east and make a living. The lands were plentiful compared to the regions between Votar Tok and Criosia, with an almost peaceful living to be found. I refused to work with bandits, but I wasn't beyond killing a few unarmed men to gain an extra coin or two. I earned a decent pouch and enjoyed travelling to new places. Still, people in Criosia were distrusting of my kind and I decided to head East to Maraga. I kept travelling for months, learnt new things a long the way and made a companion or two. I had the pleasure of meeting a wizard that paid good coin for a companion that would be doing rough work and aiding with protection. She was wise, and resilient. Our conversations were good and I learnt a lot from her. When we reached the border between Criosia and Maraga she asked why I headed in that direction. I wasn't sure what to answer, but I did not feel like a warrior in Criosia. Life was too easy.   I headed into Maraga, straying from the road. It was a stupid idea, but the mountains were beautiful and the woods plentiful. I spent weeks travelling alone surviving in the wilderness. Then the woods ended, and desolate mountains emerged. I stumbled upon an oddity, a town built on tall stilts on a lake. I camped for the night far off from the lakeside and appraoched it to observe. A few small merchant ships seem to travel across the lake, anchoring next to the village and using ropes to climb up to reach the buildings. A year later I found out this town was not the kind to be found in most maps, mostly the domain of smugglers. It is called Stilts of Maraga. The locals weren't particularly imaginative when it came to names. The morning after I tried to hitch a boat, I know understand why no one wished to help me, they must have thought of me a bandit or were protecting their smuggled goods. I decided to wait for darkness, and wallowed in a river until I grabbed on to a boat that was heading for the lake. I found a rope hanging to one side of the stilts and climbed it to the top. No one batted an eye at a wet half-orc walking across town looking for an inn, people kept to themselves. I did find the inn and slept the night paying a decent price.   The next morning I awoke and was provided with a vegetable stew that was decent, and a tankard of beer. As I sat minding my business, fortune offered me an interesting situation. A large Orc surrounded by eight other orcs was sitting in the inn, discussing in Orcish their plans to head north. This would have not been particularly interesting, except for the fact that they mentioned Tsao Meng by name. I could not believe my ears. It must have been another, I had seen him dying, to my eternal regret abandoning him to the wolves. This large Orc, who later I would find out was called Zhang Fao, instructed his small Warfa that their objective was to set up camp north, close to the Gate of Maraga. Tsao Meng's will was for them to establish a colony there and attract capable warriors that could aid his cause and increase their number in Votar Tok. None of that made sense to me, the frontier was closed, and this small group was supposed to bring together a large troupe to return? It sounded like a foolish plan. Still, there was one advantage to this, one of the lessons provided by Tsao Meng as part of his instruction was the law of Shokugeki, and if I beat Zhang Fao in a duel I could take his troops.   I decided to follow them to to Maraga's Gate, at a prudent distance, and did so for weeks. It was only when I arrived to that impressive citadel that I realised my weapon needed fixing, so I ventured to find a blacksmith. Or at least someone who could help me find one. I always felt particularly uncofortamble surrounded by people.


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