Isala Arasil Character in Umbra Bibliothecam | World Anvil
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Isala Arasil

Isala was raised in the druidic circle of Sambin, led by a firbolg in the heart of the Eldengrothian forests. Following Sambin's mandate, she left to begin her pilgrimage after gathering enough strength. As many others had done before, she knew she wouldn't return before she had seen enough of the world, and had something valuable to offer to the community.   This is, unfortunately, not what happened. She met a party of adventurers in the city of Garona, who came to her in need of assistance. They wanted to resuscitate a lady who had been murdered by an evildoer, and time was of the essence. All she could think of doing was bring them to the only person or being that she knew capable of such a thing: Sambin.   She used one of the points of the city of Cava that her companions had prepared with a teleporting plant, and brought the company straight to him. Much to her surprise, Sambin proposed that as a payment for his services, they took Isala under their care, and accompanied her for as much of her pilgrimage that she wanted to.

Teenage halfling trying to find something extra to bring back for her pilgrimage!

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Big, round, and black
Long auburn head, usually seen tied in a messy bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair and freckled

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