Sable Platoon (Guan Pai) Military Formation in Umbra Bibliothecam | World Anvil
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Sable Platoon (Guan Pai)

'Glory to Votar Tok' - Platoon Motto
  The Sable Platoon, known in some places as the Guan-pai Wharfa is a roughly 30-man strong mercenary company led by Guan Dao. As the military arm of the notorious Cheese Company of Maraga, the platoon is often within striking distance of any target the Cheese Company demands be taken down.   The platoon only accepts Orcs into their file and rank, regardless of origin. This preference is solely at the discretion of the War master, who believes Orc loyalty to be superior to any other's. There have been notable exceptions, with one of the liutenants, Tom Bingo, joining and leading part the of the Platoon.  


  The Wharfa's origins begin in Votar Tok, under a different leader. The War Chief Zhang Fao had been tasked by his War Master Tsao Meng to create a small colony in the outskirts of Maraga. A fifteen-strong Wharfa splintered from the main troop of which five managed to reach Maraga. Guan Dao tracked the unit and challenged the leader to a traditional Shokugeki duel, defeating him soundly and becoming the leader.   The Wharfa encamped in Maraga and grew strong, hunting, training and gathering resources. As the War master Guan Dao and his friends went East, the Wharfa was summoned by the Warmaster to march to Simpa to meet him for a military operation.  


Unit Number
Glaive Medium Infantry (led by Chu Han) 20
Shield Breaker (Akel) 1
Archer Light Infantry (led by Tom Bingo) 8
Recruits & Support 0
29 Troops
Overall training Level

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