Tom Bingo Character in Umbra Bibliothecam | World Anvil
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Tom Bingo

Tom Bingo is an officer in the Sable Company and the figurehead for the Cheese Company in Simpa. Originally from Maraga's gate Tom met the members of the Cheese Company shortly after the company's foundation and quickly became a key member to the succesful administration of the Company's affairs.    

Prior to the Cheese Company

  Tom Bingo's seldom speaks of his life prior to meet the cheese company. He was a hired mercenary that participated in the attempted assasination of the Duke of Maraga's Gate amongst others. Tom was captured by the Cheese Company as they attempted to stop the assasination and kept in a wardrobe within Solitary Ukelele Inn they would be staying in. He did not leave his imprisonment for thirty-six hours. The members of the Cheese Company let him loose in exchange for a promise to tell what he knew on the attempted assasination. He left after providing as little information as he knew.   Tom returned to his household to find his wife and daughter murdered. Bent on revenge he asked the Cheese Company if he could join their efforts. He knew he was a wanted man, the family's murder was only to cover up his involvement. He was asked by Guan Dao to join the Warfa's camp in Shenley Wood near the city.    

First Officer

  The Sable Company was barely six Orcs strong when Tom joined. Guan asked him to train these young warriors as much as his knowledge could allow and soon the orcs took a liking to him. The right hand man of Guan, he kept the camp disciplined and helped design the defenses around it. He became close friends with Khomesh Xie who armored the camp and taught Chu Bei unit tactics, as well as common. A few weeks after the assasination, having been missing for a while he would ocasionally take care of errands within Maraga's Gate on behalf of the Cheese Company as he would easily be able to manage problem without capturing too much attention. He would also take care of two orphans adopted by the Cheese Company, Selene and Michael. He would soon become their adoptive father. His council became valued quite quickly due to his knowledge of the area and his good sense.   When the Cheese Company made the decision to escape Maraga's Gate to avoid the Llerathi expansion into Maraga, Tom and the rest of Sable Company made efforts to save refugees and help as many people as possible as the city burnt. A few Orcs joined their efforts, and became part of the encampment. A few weeks after, on command of Guan Dao, Sable Company was led into the mountains to cross into Sansi and met up with the Cheese Company in the northern regions of Tevara. Tom stayed in Simpa to take over the Cheese Company's recently acquired land and business while the rest of the company with the exception of a small guard stayed in the company's headquarters, the newly christened Van Houten mansion of Simpa. He is currently stationed in the Van Houten mansion running the Cheese Company's affairs in Simpa and acting as a supply point for Sable Company.

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