Bhun and Eoth Physical / Metaphysical Law in Umyn | World Anvil

Bhun and Eoth

Muean the Tree of Deities, shown producing Bhun and Eoth  


  In the world of Umyn, light and dark are not merely states of illumination and shadow but are fundamental particles that interact to create unique phenomena, including the Crystal Suspension in the Upworld. The Upworld, a second level of civilization existing about 10 km above the regular land, is intricately connected to the behavior of these light and dark particles.  

Light and Dark Particles

Nature of Particles

Light Particles (Bhun): These particles emit a bubble of light around them, creating areas of illumination known as Bhun, named after Bhunivelze, the Deity of Light.   Dark Particles (Eoth): These particles emit a bubble of darkness, creating areas known as Eoth, named after Eotharas, the Deity of the Dark.  It is possible that Eoth is actually a different dimension from Bhun, hence the challenging interaction between the two states.   Interaction with Physical World: Bhun and Eoth particles do not interact with physical matter in the conventional sense. Their primary interaction is with each other and the Crystal Suspension.  

Collision and Crystal Formation

Collision Dynamics: When Bhun and Eoth particles collide, they do not annihilate each other but instead occasionally create Crystal Suspension. These events are rare and occur under specific conditions.   Crystal Suspension: The collision of Bhun and Eoth particles results in the formation of Crystal Suspension. These crystals are lighter and less dense than the Bhun and Eoth particles, causing them to float in the Upworld.   Formation of Crystals: The Crystal Suspension forms a layer above the regular land, providing a unique habitat for the Upworld civilization.  

Source of Particles

Origin: Bhun and Eoth particles originate from Muean, the Tree of Deities. Muean, deeply rooted in the fabric of Umyn, emits these particles from its core. The particles rise from Muean’s roots, permeating both the regular land and the Upworld, creating the phenomena of Bhun and Eoth.  

The Upworld and Crystal Suspension

Upworld Civilization: The Upworld is a layer of civilization located about 10 km above the regular land. It is sustained by the Crystal Suspension, which provides both structural support and unique properties for life and technology in the Upworld.   Crystal Properties: The crystals formed from the collision of Bhun and Eoth particles have unique properties that make them unsuitable for construction, energy storage, and even ballast. They do have aracane properties and are sought by magick users across Umyn.   Interaction with Bhun and Eoth: Crystal Dynamics: The Crystal Suspension floats above the Bhun and Eoth particles due to its lower density and unique physical properties.   Influence: The distribution and behavior of the Bhun and Eoth particles directly influence the formation and stability of the Crystal Suspension.  

Lightmancers and Particle Interaction

Understanding the Particles:

Lightmancers: These are individuals who have a deep understanding of the particle nature of Bhun and Eoth. They possess the ability to sense, manipulate, and interact with these particles in ways that are not possible for ordinary individuals.   Knowledge and Training: Lightmancers undergo extensive training to understand the dynamics of Bhun and Eoth particles and how they can be manipulated.  

Interaction Techniques:

Particle Manipulation: Lightmancers can influence the behavior of Bhun and Eoth particles, creating or dispelling areas of Bhun and Eoth. They can also manipulate the formation of Crystal Suspension, using it for various purposes in both the Upworld and the regular land.   Practical Applications: Lightmancers use their abilities for practical applications, including creating light sources, manipulating shadows, and even crafting structures from Crystal Suspension.  


The physics of light and dark in Umyn are deeply intertwined with the existence of the Upworld and the formation of the Crystal Suspension. Bhun and Eoth particles, originating from the core of Muean, create a unique crystalline substance through rare collisions. This substance supports the civilization in the Upworld. Lightmancers, with their specialized knowledge and abilities, play a crucial role in understanding and manipulating these particles, allowing for advanced applications and maintaining the balance between Bhun and Eoth. The complex interplay between these particles and the physical world creates a dynamic and fascinating environment in the world of Umyn.


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