Light and Dark


In the unique world of Umyn, the phenomenon of light operates in ways vastly different from the natural laws found elsewhere. Umyn has no discernible source of light. Instead, light and darkness exist as bubble-like substances that move across the planet's surface. These two states, Lightnow and Darknow, define the atmospheric conditions of Umyn, creating a distinctive and surreal environment for its inhabitants.  

Lightnow (Bhun)

Lightnow or Bhun is characterized by the presence of a bubble-like substance that illuminates the environment. This substance moves freely across Umyn's surface, creating regions bathed in light. Despite the illumination, Lightnow lacks a traditional light source, such as a sun or artificial light, and consequently, objects do not cast shadows. The ambient light is omnipresent, providing a uniform brightness that makes the world appear ethereal and otherworldly.  

Darknow (Eoth)

Darknow or Eoth, on the other hand, is defined by the absence of the bubble-like light substance, replaced by a bubble-like darkness. This darkness is complete and impenetrable, with no interaction with the light substance of Lightnow. As a result, it is impossible to see from Lightnow into Darknow and vice-versa. Torches and other artificial light sources can still function within Darknow, providing localized illumination, but they do not allow visibility into Lightnow areas.  

Transition Between States

The transition between Lightnow and Darknow is an instantaneous and undetectable event to the naked eye. A person can be thrust suddenly from light into darkness or from darkness into light without any visual warning. This abrupt change is due to the non-interacting nature of the light and dark bubbles.   To detect the impending transition, inhabitants of Umyn use a device called a Lightometer. The Lightometer measures the slight static charge associated with the boundary between Lightnow and Darknow, allowing people to anticipate the shift. This charge is the only detectable indication of the transition, as the phenomenon itself is invisible.  


A Lightometer is an essential tool for navigating the transitions between Lightnow and Darknow. By measuring the static charge that accompanies the boundary between these two states, it provides a crucial warning system for individuals and communities. The device is sensitive to the specific charge that signifies an approaching transition, allowing users to prepare for the sudden change in atmospheric state.  

Effects and Implications

The peculiar nature of light and darkness on Umyn has several significant effects:   Visibility: The inability to see from Lightnow into Darknow and vice-versa creates distinct zones of visibility and invisibility. This separation can affect travel, communication, and safety. Torches and Light Sources: While artificial lights work in Darknow, they cannot penetrate the boundary into Lightnow. This creates isolated pockets of light in the darkness, adding to the surreal and fragmented visual experience of Umyn's inhabitants. Lack of Shadows: The absence of shadows in Lightnow due to the uniform ambient light results in a visually flat environment. This lack of depth perception can be disorienting for those accustomed to shadowed landscapes.  

Cultural and Practical Adaptations

The people of Umyn have adapted to these atmospheric states in various ways:   Architecture: Buildings and cities are designed with the knowledge that visibility can change abruptly. Structures often incorporate Lightometers and adaptable lighting systems. Travel and Navigation: Travelers rely heavily on Lightometers and artificial light sources when moving through regions prone to transitions between Lightnow and Darknow. Communication: Methods of signaling and communication account for the inability to see across the boundary between Lightnow and Darknow, often using sound or other non-visual cues.  


The phenomenon of Lightnow and Darknow defines the atmospheric conditions of Umyn, creating a world where light and darkness exist as bubble-like substances that do not interact. This unique environment has profound effects on visibility, navigation, and daily life. The use of Lightometers to detect transitions and the absence of shadows in Lightnow further highlight the distinct and surreal nature of Umyn. These adaptations and innovations demonstrate the resilience and ingenuity of Umyn's inhabitants in navigating their extraordinary world.


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