
The money of Umyn is not metal, but rather the product of a specific variatal of tree located in a specific area.  The root system of these trees produce pods which contain 120 sequins.  Sequins in the pod are grouped by 12s and each group is a string of fiborous material from which the sequins grow.  The fiborous material is quite useful as it is exceptionally tough yet flexible.   Sequins come in a variety of colours and it is these colours which determine their individual value.  All sequins begin as small clear teardrops, but as they age they go through a predicatable colour pattern, becoming more valuable as they age.  Once a pod is disturbed though, the sequins stop aging and maintain their current colour.  
Colour of SequinIndividual Value
Clear 1
Red 2
Orange 5
Yellow 10
Green 20
Blue 50
Purple 100
It is rumoured that sequins eventually turn black and shrivel to raisins.  These are rarely found and have no monetary value, however it is rumoured that they possess a sort of magical life force and are used in dark rituals.


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