Art Cart Vehicle in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Art Cart

I was inspired by on idea that the humans on Earth came up with. So I made sometimes like it.
  A small truck that is a common sight across Miyla. This truck carries notebooks that are filled with donated art. The drives of the trucks stop at different neighborhoods for a day. That way the people that live there can stop what they are doing and look at art.   The Art Cart was inspired from human idea that worked very well on Earth. The dragons believed that they could do it better. The idea was simple and it was kept that way. The Art Cart is a mobile museum that is free to everyone with the goal to inspire others to work on their creative passions. This the museum is free it is a great way for poorer people to see art.   The Art Cart is able to be free because it is owned by a nonprofit. This nonprofit offers notebooks to people. If the notebooks are accepted the person is to then fill all of the pages with their own art. The notebooks are then sent back to the nonprofit. Then, finally, the notebooks are carefully loaded into the Art Cart, so they can be viewed and inspire others.   Whenever an Art Cart rolls around the corner it brings joy. The cart is mostly likely the only museum that they will be able to see in their lifetimes. Since bigger museums are more pricy and sometimes have an agenda that the people don't agree with.
Museums on Wheels