Crown of Radiance Item in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Crown of Radiance

Adorned with jewels in honor of the goddess of light, Uabeso, this crown is said to contain a luminous spirit that seeks to defend her faithfully. It speaks to its wearer through radiant warmth and illuminating insights, inspiring them to shine with compassion and goodness. The crown allows the owner to cast the sacred golden flames and grants a small boon to their wisdom.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

According to legend, the crown was embedded with a sentient consciousness, a manifestation of the compassionate nature of the goddess, Uabeso. It is believed that this spirit communicates with its wearer through feelings of warmth, comfort, and inner illumination. It instills a sense of purpose and righteousness, urging the wearer to uphold the values of compassion, kindness, and justice. It is because of this spirit that the crown has the power that it does.

Protective Aura

The crown envelops its wearer in a protective aura of divine light. This light cannot cut through the darkness of night. The light also can't be used to help light someone's way in times of trouble. The light that comes off of the crown can only be seen by the followers of the goddess.   The light from the crown grants an aura of protection from many things. The light is a shield against spiritual darkness and physical harm. But the crown's protection shines when it protects from dark magic. Magic that is thought of as evil or dark, like Necromancy, doesn't affect the wearer of the crown. This is because such dark magic is frowned upon by the goddess.   An aura can be felt by the wearer and those around them. To the allies of the goddess, this aura is a beacon of hope in times of darkness. The spirits of those around the crown are uplifted and inspired with hope. Courage and fortitude are also given to anyone who would dare stand against tyranny and oppression. The goddess does not wish to see her faithful bound by the chains of her most hated enemy, Qaydith god of dominion.

Guidance and Wisdom

It is believed that the spirit in the crown speaks with gentle whispers of insight and inspiration. With this gentle nudge, the crown provides guidance and wisdom to its wearer. Those who wear the crown are said to be blessed by the goddess with wisdom and insight.   The crown pushes its wearer into acting justly and with mercy. The wearer often feels urged to act with compassion and empathy toward others. Even to the point of being forced to listen to the pleas of others. Because of this, the crown is thought to be a source of clarity and enlightenment in dark times. People who are facing moral dilemmas or navigating treacherous situations tend to seek out anyone who is rumored to be wearing the crown.

Divine Power

While no moral wears the crown as it sits on the head of the goddess, Uabeso. When the goddess finds someone whom she can call Chosen, she will take the crown from her head and place it on her Chosen. This makes the crown a symbol of the goddess's divine favor.   The wearer of the crown can cast a special fire spell. This spell allows the Caster to summon a Golden Flame. Sometimes the flame will look silvery. This flame can be used to heal, dispel dark magic, and purify evil. It is possible that the crown has other powers, but those powers are only gifted with the blessing of the patron goddess.

Restlessness and Silence

Despite the benevolent nature of the crown and its goddess, wearing it can come with a price. The goddess's work is never done and she is tireless in her own endeavors to stop darkness. Since the crown was close to the mind of the goddess, her purpose is always on the mind of the wearer. This gives the crown some side effects.   First, the crown's presence may cause the wearer to experience restlessness during periods of rest. The wearer might wake up in the morning and find that their health and spirite are not fully restored. The wearer may feel tired in body of spirit. This tends to happen if the wearer didn't do a good deed the day before. This is the goddess's way to punish the wearer for not doing her divine work. In order to rest peacefully the wearer most do one good deed. The deed can be small or big, but it has to be earnest.   Second, the crown's spirit or magic prevents the wearer from speaking. The crown does this to make sure that the words of its wearer do not offend the goddess or hurt other around them. This also forces the wearer to listen to the pleas and problesm of others in full. Allowing the goddess to work through the wearer to show justice and mercy. It is also a sign of reverence and devotion to the goddess.


The Crown of Radiance is not merely a symbol of authority or status but a sacred artifact infused with the divine essence of compassion and light. Those who are chosen to wear it are tasked with upholding the values of goodness and righteousness, serving as beacons of hope and inspiration to all who behold them.


The Crown of Radiance is crafted from gleaming gold and adorned with precious gemstones that shimmer with an inner light. At its center rests a radiant gem, symbolizing the divine essence of the goddess it represents. Rays of light seem to emanate from the crown, casting a gentle glow upon its wearer and their surroundings.   The crown itself has a wirey band that goes around the wearer's head. The near the front of the crown, where others can see it, there are loops. These loops look like small balls of light. At the center of the crown are a few gemstones. There are three that are above the main stone in the center. These smaller gemstone are moonstones and glow with a soft light. The bigger gemstone, in the center of the crown, is a diamond.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Current Holder
Raw materials & Components
The Crown of Radiance is a majestic artifact, an embodiment of the benevolent presence of the goddess. Crafted with the utmost reverence and adorned with luminescent gems, this crown serves as a beacon of hope and guidance for those who wear it.