Natts Ehldü Zworch Condition in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Natts Ehldü Zworch

Natts Ehldü are hell hound creatures on Miyla that have a crippling frostbite. Their bites are magical and can be fatal if not treated because of how the magic spreads in the body. Some natts ehldü have bites that can knockout Shifter Dragons while they are in dragon forms.


Comes from being bitten by a natts ehldü and takes full effect when the bite breaks the skin when the magic enters the bloodstream.


Once bitten the person who is bitten will experience a crippling cold grip the person and the would appear that the person has bad frostbite. Once the magic entered the bloodstream the frost poison makes it so that the victim is crippled by the cold. It slows the victim's heartbeat and if unattended their heart will stop.


The best way to treat the condition is to first figure out the race of the person that is affected because Elves are resistant to modern or non-magical medicine. First, the bite must be cleaned and the skin rewarmed using warm water or fire Focus Crystals for 15 to 30 minutes. Depending on strong the bite the victim may also need the rest of their body warmed as well. The bite then needs to be protected by being wrapped. Once the bite has been treated the magic of the cold bite needs to siphoned out of the victim's bloodstream.


Avoid being bitten by natts ehldü and wear thick clothing that is hard to bite through. If you are a caster knowledge inward or barrier spells to shield yourselves and others from natts ehldü.