Wave Guide

"I know these mountains better than anyone."



In order to be a wave guide you need to have a good sense of direction. The Waves are ever changing and shifting. One needs to be able to use a compass. A unique magic compass can be used to find Waypoints for camping. This compass needs to be powerful enough to find the Waypoints but weak enough to not cause the Waves to shift. Even a little bit of magic can cause the Waves to shift. The best guides have this compass but don't use it.

Payment & Reimbursement

The guide can be paid up to a hundred Veni. If it is fall the guide can get twenty extra veni for each person they bring back. This is because Giant Spiders and Drider are more active in the fall starting with the last week of August which is when the Giant Spider Migration happens. These spider monsters sometimes try to take people off of the path and away from the guide.



The Wave Guide has one job. They are supposed to lead people through the Waves for a day or weekend trip. They are supposed to guide people through the Waves and bring them back safely. They also have to plan the trip and prepare for it. When they are not guiding people through the Waves they can still be found on the trails. The Waypoints need to be re-anchored every month to prevent them from moving.



They make use of Jiebo Meelacha, which are horse-like birds. They can sometimes use a unique compass to help find their way to the Waypoints. This compass is called the Orb of Direction or a Wayfinder Orb. The guide also needs to have physical tents and food for everyone in their care. They also have a tool called a Wave Anchor. This is used to anchor the Waypoints. That way the Waypoints don't move during a Magical Storm.


The guides are supposed to take care of their Jiebo Meelacha, so when they are not guiding they are tending the stables. They also work on the trails on the Waves.

Provided Services

The guide helps to plan the trip. They get everything ready for the trip. They guide people through the mountains and point out the different sights. They also protect the people they are guiding. When they are not guiding people through the Waves they are tending to their stables or anchoring the Waypoints for the next group.

Dangers & Hazards

There are three main threats or hazards in this line of work. Those threats are giant spiders, drider, and magic storms. The trails in the Waves pass by the entrance of the Court of the Spider Queen. Giant spiders and drider can be seen leaving the cave. The giant spiders will sometimes try to eat people on the trail. Drider can be seen watching travelers from off of the path. The drider are armed and seem to be dangerous, but they don't seem to bother travelers. Magic storms can happen at a moment's notice. The Wave Anchor can be used to make a quick Waypoint to ride out the storm.
Alternative Names


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