Wisp Species in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil


Odd fairy lights danced over the water of the garden. Raga stopped in his tracks and looked around. He could not remmeber seeing anything so beautiful.   "Her garden is stunning." Raga whispered.

Basic Information


The wisp is a spirit of light. It doesn't have a body in the same sense as flesh and blood. The wisp normally takes the form of a glowing ball. If you get close to a wisp you might see that it also has a tiny humanoid form.

Biological Traits

There are two different kinds of wisps. The normal wisp and the will-o'-wisp. Both types look like glowing balls of light. Both seem to whisper, "follow me."

Genetics and Reproduction

There seem to be two kinds of wisps. These two different types also seem to be "born" in different ways. Since the wisp is undead it can not reproduce by normal means. They have to be made somehow. What are the ways that a new wisp is born?   The first way is a little on the nose. Just a normal person dying and becoming a wisp. This person needs to die from the environment. So this person has to die in something like quicksand. This person might become a wisp in order to warn others of the death trap. The wisp will then try to lead people away from the danger.   The second way to become a wisp or a will-o'-wisp is by Necromancy. The ritual to make a wisp is unknown by all but Schaudteif. According to Schaudteif's notes, a single soul can make about five wisps.

Ecology and Habitats

Wisps can be found almost anywhere. They can be found near places that have a lot of magic like ley lines or the water around Ali's Refugee Garden. They can also be found in dangerous places like swamps. They are also common in and near ruins.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The two different wisps seem to eat different things. The "normal" wisp seems to eat some form of magic. That is why it seems to like to hang out near magic sources. The will-o'-wisp also eats magic, but it doesn't stop there. The will-o'-wisp also eats magic, life (or blood), and agony.


Wisps like to form lighted paths to guide people. Will-o'-wisp also likes to form paths to guide people. They are basically the kind of spirit but they guide people to different places.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Wisps and their more evil counterparts the will-o'-wisp are smart. They seem to have a form of foresight. They are smart enough to get people to follow them. The wisps know that if it is dark people and other humanoids will follow the light. They seem to be able to whisper even though they seem to like to stay silent.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The wisp can see in the dark. It can also hear. The wisp casts a light from its body. It seems to be able to do light and dark magic without having to shift its alignment.
Scientific Name
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Wisps tend to glow with a blue haunting and mournful tone. This is because they are trying to lead people away from danger. The will-o'-wisps tend to glow yellow or red. The will-o'-wisp knows that people tend to follow firey lights because that means people are nearby.

Inspiration Credits

  • D&D Monser Manual page 301 or you can click: here
  • Brave by Disney and Pixar