Interview: Resident 5-361
Center for Invasive Species Research and Assessment
Resident I.S. Psychological Studies
Date: 4 October 2021Resident I.S. Psychological Studies
Subject: Resident 5-361
Interview conducted by: Dr. James Reece, Senior Psych Officer
Dr. Reece: So, I wanted to circle back to something you mentioned in your intake interview. You said, "I am tired of feeling helpless." When did you start feeling helpless? Resident 5-361: I've always felt that way, I guess. Um.. we talked alot about my childhood, you know, my dad, ...his temper,'s drinking. When did I ever feel in control or like I had any power? Dr. Reece: So the incidents that you have ...confessed to. um, these were fueled by feeling helpless? Resident 5-361: I've told you before, I don't remember! I DON'T REMEMBER doing any of that. For a long time I couldn't... I wouldn't even ... not in any way understand that I had anything to do with the ... the victims. Dr. Reece: I have to admit, John, you never struck me as helpless. Wouldn't your confinement here make you more helpless than being free to roam? Resident 5-361: No, it's.. see, coming here, staying here. It's the only way I can control it. To choose to be here. I want to be here [laughs].Perhaps it is only human nature to inflict suffering on anything that will endure suffering, whether by reason of its genuine humility, or indifference, or sheer helplessness.