Augury Cards Item in Under the Twilight of Forgotten Sins | World Anvil
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Augury Cards

A typical Augur deck consists of the following. Six suits of Minor Cards. Each suit has 8 cards (named after the days of the week when not numbered), a Rogue, a Priest, a Mage, and a Lord – for 12 cards and 72 total minor cards. • Dragon/teeth (depicted as a sharp canine) – Spirit - Suit deals with Wisdom, Divine Magics, Mysteries, Important Decisions, Death • Books – Fire – Suit deals with Magical(arcane), Reason, Knowledge, Advanced Years • Flags/Eyes – Air – Social Status, Nobility, Military, Social Power, Family • Cups/Hearts – Water – Suit deals with Love, Life, and Emotion, Adulthood • Coins/Rings – Earth – Merchants, Material possessions. Greed. Adolescent years. • Staves/Swords – Wood – Common Laborers, Nature, Farmers, Youth, Childhood   There is a ranking order amongst the minor cards, listed as above. A 3 of Dragons trumps a 3 of Books should one be near the other. That means that the primary focus is usually on the highest ranking card.   Then of the set of the Major Cards, a variable number exist.   The Omen Cards include: The Fool, The Dragon, The High Priestess, The Vine, The Tree, The Quill, The Lovers, The Charger, The Midwife, The Hermit, the Clock, The Magistrate, The Mirror, The Gallows, Death, The Coffin, The Alchemist, The Anvil, The Chain, The Assassin, The Augur, The Stars, The Fountain, The Merchant, The Crown, The Bridge, the Ship, and The Artist. Not including The Augur, this accounts for 27 primary cards. Some decks include other cards like The Seer, The Jug, The Cartographer, The Whip, The Monkey and The Circle. A multitude of other cards also exist. This generally adds another about 27 to 30 cards to the standard deck (location, culture, and personal tastes can modify this number.)   Sixteen other cards also exist – the Celestial Cards. Thirteen cards represent each of the moons and 3 for each of the suns. Aja has found a 17th card in her deck with a new card for Vrask - the ghost planet.   All told, a typical full deck is 130 cards. However very few practitioners will use a full deck, they have often tailored it down to the more specific information they are seeking using a deck of 50 to 70 cards.   Anyone can pick up a deck and do a reading. Success is marginal. The decks themselves are slightly magical if they were created by an Augur. If they were in turn blessed by a priest of Kristor, they will radiate moderate magic.   The success of the readings is usually minimal. However, if the feat Augury Deck Usage is gained, that person becomes an augur. The requirements for Augury Deck Usage is access to a verified Augury Deck and at least 2 ranks placed in Knowledge: Fortune Telling.   When an augur uses a deck, they gain 3 special abilities.   First they can create new cards by taking a similar stock as the other cards and literally drawing and/or painting the new card. This usually is done because a card disappears (sometimes at random), a card is damaged or destroyed, or the Augur learns of a new card they wish to place in their deck. Merely wanting to place a card – of say a Cloud – in the deck will not work and can actually render the deck useless. When making a new card for an existing card, the augur may want to make that card more specific to a person. For example, if the augur senses a potential target has several common traits with the Fool, they may redraw that card with the target being depicted as the Fool to reinforce this. More than once augurs have done this only to find when they did their readings their target’s depictions or visage is now on another card in the deck. It is considered very bad luck for an augur to create a card with their own visage and this often has disastrous results. However, if the deck shows the augur their own image, that augur best beware and take the warning with all seriousness.   Second is sometimes when they do a reading, a new card will just appear in their deck. Anytime this happens, the augur is aware of the significance of the card, e.g. if a 10 of Books or the Mountain appears on a reading the augur will have a general idea of its meaning. Once a card appears, it usually stays in the deck unless the Augur removes it beforehand.   The third is they almost always have a general concept of what each card is trying to say. If a card were to appear which they were uncertain of, usually other cards will surround it verifying that a great mystery exists around this topic. This often happens when high-level spells are in use designed to hide or avoid detection.   The following is a general breakdown of what each card represents.  
  • Untitled

    Focus: Major Events - Directionals of Fate
    Advice: The Arcanum deal with how best to respond to fate. Whereas the Celestial cards often must be endured, the Omen/Arcanum cards often deal with personal choices.
  • The Fool

    Focus: Beginnings, Start of a Journey, Innocence, Free Spirit
    Reverse Focus: Recklessness, Taken Advantage Of, Inconsiderate
    Advice: Live in the moment, don't try and manipulate events
  • The Dragon

    Focus: Manifest Destiny, Willpower, Desire
    Reverse Focus: Illusions, self deception
    Advice: Have faith in your own abilities
  • The High Priestess

    Focus: The First Teacher, Road to Enlightenment, Intuition, Inner Voice
    Reverse Focus: Repressed emotions, loss of focus in life, aimlessness
    Advice: Trust in routines. Take time to reflect to find secrets and access mysteries.
    If seen with a rod, Divine Influence is eminent or already present. This is stronger than any of the Dragon cards.
  • The Vine - "Mother Card"

    Focus: Unconditional Love, Enjoy Life, Trust good intentions, Accept others, Care and Nurture, Generosity
    Reverse Focus: Dependence, emptiness, choking out the life of others, parasitic
    Advice: Take care and lift up those who depend on you. Make them stronger, help them grow. Your growth will follow.
  • The Tree

    Focus: Authority, Protection, Resilience, Order
    Reverse Focus: Tyranny, inflexible position, lack of empathy
    Advice: Rely on logic over emotions. Rewards comes from hard work. Prepare - act with a plan
  • The Quill - "The Great Book"

    Focus: Tradition, Ethics, Ceremony, Conformity, Everything has a place and a purpose, Growth never stops
    Reverse Focus: Rebellion, immorality, apostasy, dissent
    Advice: Trust in experience, Tradition and Ceremonies exist for a reason, Represents that the greatest teacher or sage was once a student and actually still is.
    Trump card over all Book cards
  • The Lovers

    Focus: Union, Allies, Duality
    Reverse Focus: Single mindedness, off-center, alienated, self-doubt about previous decisions, one-sided balance of power in a union
    Advice: Tied strongly to love and sexuality. Can refer to a choice of two loves (lovers or passion or focus). Can reference duality of the mind and spiritual, or the spiritual and physical. Make the choice with wisdom, don't second guess once the choice is made.
  • The Charger (Horse) - "Chariot"

    Focus: Intentional or Sudden Changes, Control, Decisiveness
    Reverse Focus: Lack of control, aimlessness, misplaced aggression
    Advice: Be ready for changes. Don't avoid new experiences. Keep control of emotions, don't give into fear. Transcend perceived limitations.
  • The Midwife - "Strength"

    Focus: Inner fortitude (over physical strength), Focus, Patience, High Standards, Accepting of Events.
    Reverse Focus: Self-doubt, reckless behavior, panic, insecurity
    Advice: Motto: Strength to change the things that can be changed and accept the things that can't be changed. Rise above emotions. Expect others to display your high standards.
  • The Hermit

    Focus: Truth, Inner Truth, Meditation, Self Realization, Self Sufficiency
    Reverse Focus: Lost, Isolation, Boredom, Loneliness
    Advice: Wisdom is the gift to yourself, Seek understanding of self through deep contemplation. A mentor might see more capability in you that you yourself see. Take time in considering choices. Need may dictate isolation but don't be afraid to act alone.
  • The Clock - "The Wheel"

    Focus: Cycles, Change, Fate, Hope for the coming day
    Reverse Focus: Loss of Control, False Control, Bad Luck
    Advice: Change happens. Nothing new yet nothing lasts forever. What has happened will happen again. Strive for stability in the middle of a changing world.
  • The Magistrate - "The Jury"

    Focus: Open-mindedness, Truth, Honesty, Fairness, Justice, Epiphany
    Reverse Focus: Unfairness, Misplaced blame, Punishment more than deserved, Retribution
    Advice: Be open to other's version of events. Be open to other viewpoints. Observe and listen before taking action. What you do today effects tomorrow. Justice can be two-edged, so take care when dispensing.
  • The Mirror - "Yin-Yang/Paradox Card"

    Focus: Law of Dualism, Law of Opposites, Surrender for greater good, Flexibility
    Reverse Focus: Fear of change, Selfish sacrifice, Rigidity of purpose
    Advice: Stop struggling to be free. The hardest problems sometimes have the simplest answers (and vice versa). Relax and let things happen. Accept events as they unfold.
  • The Gallows (or Noose)

    Focus: Caution, Need to seriously question motives
    Reverse Focus: Traps created by one's own nature. Terminal Uniqueness. Downfall. Justification.
    Advice: Can represent misdirection due to one's own actions. Has hints that one has created their own illusions and deceptions. Indicated a believe that one is special and unique and this one time breaking their moral code doesn't matter. Almost no one ever believes they are evil.
  • Death

    Focus: Unknown future, Change, Beginnings or End
    Reverse Focus: Fear of letting go, Stagnations, Decay
    Advice: Represents an unknown outcome. Big changes are coming, changes which are unavoidable (possibly deserved). Don't fight eminent change. Let go of excess baggage. Finish old business and be ready to move on. Now is the time to move on unfinished goals - let go of anything holding you back.
  • The Coffin - "Corpse Card"

    Focus: Impending Death, A Good honorable death
    Reverse Focus: A dishonorable death. A painful death. An untimely death.
    Advice: Closely related to the death card, just more specific. Has an overtone of setting things right in one's life more so than finishing goals. This card has a finality to it of something valuable lost - while it may not represent a true death, it does represent a finality for the subject regarding a stage of life - a suddenly lost job, a spouse or child leaving forever, a home destroyed by fire, a criminal finally being caught. Though something valuable is lost, it may ultimately be a good thing.
    While the coffin normally shows a body inside, an empty coffin represents (Up) a dishonorable death which could have been avoided or (Reversed) a death no one will even notice or care about.
  • The Alchemist

    Focus: Temperance, Proper Planning, Patience, The Middle Path
    Reverse Focus: Lack of balance, Dangerous Excess or Extremes
    Advice: Success requires discipline and focus. Be alert for missing ingredients in your goals or life. Seek knowledge. Following the Death and Coffin cards, this card has a strong overtone suggesting a need to grow or experience new things. Not always positive, sometimes one needs to further embrace one's darker nature to find strength. Find strength in weakness.
  • The Anvil - "The Blacksmith"

    Focus: Conserve strength, Prepare for conflict, Train hard, Hard earned victory
    Reverse Focus: Lack of planning, over confidence
    Advice: Similar to the Alchemist and can carry the same message, however you know the challenge ahead, don't get distracted. Make sure the cost of victory isn't greater than you are willing to pay.
    This card has a considerable tone of timing and usually the image gives the Augur and idea of if time to plan (which is still necessary) is short, or if there is sufficient time to really prepare.
  • The Chain - "The manacles"

    Focus: Addiction, Destructive Behavior, Denial
    Reverse Focus: Regaining control, Finding freedom
    Advice: Represents how one's choices can destroy their life. The chains are self created. How a bad situation is made worse by bad choices. Can also represent power given away or given to another. The key is to accept responsibility, then the light for freedom can start to be seen. Self-Acceptance and inner reflection will be important to escape the chains. Acknowledge your feelings and emotions.
  • The Assassin

    Focus: Dark forces aligned against the subject, Sudden Upheaval, Fall from grace, Grave embarrassment, disaster
    Reverse Focus: Delayed disaster, Narrowly avoided disaster, Temporary reprieve
    Advice: Circumstances beyond your control are at work. You may be the focal point for change, however. Your goal should be to cushion the effects, especially for the most vulnerable. Self-sacrifice and not thinking of yourself will help those around you the most in trying times. Change will come quickly and may be painful. Can be the destruction of ego as the belief of being unique and special is brought down – being forced upon the stark truth of reality. Not all wisdom and enlightenment comes peacefully.
  • The Augur - "The Mirror"

    Focus: Self-Awareness
    Reverse Focus: Denial
    Advice: Events are critical or important to the Augur. Often seen when doing a reading for another or seeking direction. The risk of improper action is critical for the Augur. In reversed position, it tells the Augur to examine all beliefs carefully.
    This card is never crafted by the Augur. It will appear on it's own volition within the deck when the Augur is ready. It may disappear as soon as the deck is shuffled.
  • The Stars

    Focus: Hope, Trust, Positive Thinking, Regrowth, Healing
    Reverse Focus: Loss of faith, insecurity, doubt, discouragement
    Advice: Time to focus on the bigger picture. Find what is truly important in your life. Don't get caught up in day to day tribulations. This is a card suggesting hope and encouragement. Don't be afraid to trust. Trust in higher powers to deliver you through your trials.
  • The Fountain

    Focus: Illusions, Intuition
    Reverse Focus: Confusion, Misinterpretation, Poor Judgement
    Advice: Not all is at it seems. Reflections of the truth. What is apparent may be deceiving, dangers overlooked. Examine fears and doubts - the subconscious may be trying to tell you something. Don't ignore dreams or gut feelings. You probably have time for reflection.
  • The Merchant - "The Illusionist"

    Focus: Perspective, Enthusiasm, Expectations
    Reverse Focus: Disappointment, Unsatisfied, Hollow Victory
    Advice: The situation is not as great as it appears. Over inflated sense of value. Possibly over inflated ego. Temper expectations. The outcome may still be good just not great. Buyer's remorse. Winning may leave you feeling disappointed, however you can still claim victory.
  • The Crown

    Focus: Joy, Success, Celebration, Clarity of Thought, Pureness of purpose
    Reverse Focus: Loss, Self-deception, Negativity, Misguided goals
    Advice: Believe in yourself. Focus on your abilities and gifts. Allow your light to shine. Now is the time to stand on your principles, others may very well be looking to you for guidance or depending on you for action. Don't hesitate to work for a goal.
  • The Bridge

    Focus: Awakening, Change, Control of destiny
    Reverse Focus: Self-loathing, Sabotaging one's self, Doubt, Loss of purpose
    Advice: Your path is nearing completion. A card representing change, yet a change you must choose to make. It is often a change for the good, yet one fully under your control. You can avoid the change, however it will often be to your regret. It does indicate a day of reckoning, possibly for a major goal, even a life's work. You will see the change coming and be able to influence it. Trust in the process.
  • The Ship

    Focus: Fulfilment, Completion, Harmony
    Reverse Focus: Lack of direction, Incompletion
    Advice: A time to rest, a time to enjoy success. References the concept of 'your ship coming in.' This card affirms it is ok to start a new path, start a new goal as long as the intent to start is good and clear. Time to plan. Don't rest on your laurels as it may distract from future success. Ignore what others think, trust the course you know to be correct.
  • The Artist

    Focus: Vacation, Whimsy, A time of rest, Rejuvenation
    Reverse Focus: Overworked, Seriousness, Worn out
    Advice: This card recommends a break, a time to step away from your goals. Have some fun and enjoy life. Live in the moment. Pursue small side paths. This card indicates a level of safety or security if you take your eye off your goal for a brief period of time. Failure to follow this advice could lead to overlooking critical details later on. Also indicates the need to be fully rested before tackling the challenges ahead.
  • The Seer

    Focus: The path ahead is clear.
    Reverse Focus: Unclear road ahead
    Advice: This is a good card to see. It generally implies that you have good knowledge of what's to come and while there may be obstacles, your path through or around them will be easily seen.
    This card is not found in most decks. Many augurs find it to be superfluous and too redundant with the other cards. While it may have very strict message, other cards can often impart more information.
  • The Jug

    Focus: Celebrate the victories of those around you
    Reverse Focus: False praise
    Advice: This card hints that if you want to keep the energy and spirits high of those around you, you will need to take some time to really celebrate their accomplishments. They may be going through a period of doubt or second guessing. The reverse indicates that maybe you have given credit to the wrong person and that you might wish to further examine who did what.
    This card is not found in most decks. Many augurs find it to be superfluous and too redundant with the other cards. While it may have very strict message, other cards can often impart more information.
  • The Cartographer

    Focus: Harmony
    Reverse Focus: Disharmony
    Advice: This card advises to carefully examine the goals of those around you to make sure they align with your own.
    This card is not found in most decks. Many augurs find it to be superfluous and too redundant with the other cards. While it may have very strict message, other cards can often impart more information.
  • The Whip

    Focus: Laziness
    Reverse Focus: Complacency, Lowered expectations
    Advice: This card advises to carefully examine the effort of those who work for or around you. It hints that others may be putting on a show of working hard to impress you or someone else. It can mean that if you don't correct the situation you will end up having to commit more resources to finish your goals.
    This card is not found in most decks. Many augurs find it to be superfluous and too redundant with the other cards. While it may have very strict message, other cards can often impart more information.
  • The Monkey

    Focus: Time to give up a vice.
    Reverse Focus: Becoming lost
    Advice: This card indicates that a current vice is impairing the completion of a major goal or project or relationship.
    This card is not found in most decks. Many augurs find it to be superfluous and too redundant with the other cards. While it may have very strict message, other cards can often impart more information.
  • The Circle

    Focus: Selflessness, Acceptance
    Reverse Focus: Selfishness, Loss, Loneliness
    Advice: This card represents the idea that you are part of the whole. Everyone is interconnected and when you forget that, you will suffer and cause those around you to suffer. It is a warning that being selfish ultimately leads to destruction, while being selfless makes everyone better.
    This card is not found in most decks. Many augurs find it to be superfluous and too redundant with the other cards. While it may have very strict message, other cards can often impart more information.
  • Untitled

    Focus: None
  • Untitled

    Focus: External Influences - advice is often present n how to react as the subject often has little control over how events will play out.
    Notes: The celestial moons are occasionally the representation of DIRECT divine influence. A true augur generally intuits if the deity aspect is being invoked.
  • Dalsharnik (Red Sun)

    Focus: Beneficial act from a superior authority
    Reverse Focus: Misdeed from a superior authority
    Advice: A liege, or possibly a magistrate, or boss will take and action that directly affects you. If beneficial, it could be a boon, a gift of land or money, or possibly a promotion. In reverse, the action taken is rarely directed at you, however it will affect you just the same.
  • Azura (Blue sun)

    Focus: Fascination
    Reverse Focus: Jaded or Irritation
    Advice: An associate or possibly someone you just met has become extremely interested in you. This interest could come in all forms from business prospect, to interest in your skills, to sexual. In reverse, that person has become either jaded with your presence or possibly irritated. In both cases, examine your interpretation of other's reactions carefully. This card exists largely in the presence and this means once you have ascertained its meaning, you can act to either reinforce or change the behavior as needed.
    This card almost never refers to someone close or well known. It almost always refers to either a casual acquaintance or someone just met.
  • Seriat (Yellow sun)

    Focus: A Benefactor, Random act of kindness, Good Samaritan
    Reverse Focus: Unknown Need
    Advice: Expect help from an unexpected quarter. In the reverse, it is help for a need you do not know exists or greatly underestimated. This card in both positions urges you to readily accept all incoming help because you will need it whether you think you need it or not.
  • Thrakku - "The Despiser"

    Focus: Unknown enemy, Darkness , Poison
    Reverse Focus: Vanquished foe
    Advice: You are in danger from an unknown quarter. An enemy you don't yet know of or a known enemy is seeking your downfall. Their tactics may not be honorable. More so than just defeating you, they wish to inflict suffering upon you and those you care about. In the reverse, it indicated a foe will become vanquished, though possibly not through actions of your own undertaking.
    Ramian Fax; Moon of darkest jet black, barely visible. Ramian is often mostly associated in this case with someone seeking vengeance upon you.
  • Throki - "Lawgiver"

    Focus: Vindication
    Reverse Focus: Bureaucracy, Law Suit, Legal Problems
    Advice: You will likely receive vindication and exoneration in the eyes of the public and those whose opinion you value. In the reverse, it often indicates the start of problems in the forms of accusations (true or false) from other quarters. When seeing this card, consider carefully where setting the narrative and being the first to reveal dark truths about yourself might not be advisable. Don't expect secrets to stay hidden.
    Stengard; Moon of whitish gray with light wisps of light green. Most often if Stengard is involved, it indicates your true character is going to be revealed.
  • Rikorskey - "Black Justice, Vengeance Star"

    Focus: Pyrrhic Victory
    Reverse Focus: Vengeance without concern for self
    Advice: The battle is already engaged, this just foretells the outcome. You will win, but at what costs. Trying to temper losses will likely lead to defeat. In the reverse, it often means a foe will happily destroy themselves if it means harming you.
    Radok; Moon of yellowish green with wisps of black circling the entire moon. Unlike most celestials, the meaning takes on a whole aspect if it invokes Radok. In this case, it represents the battle is over, the damage is done. Now is a time to rebuild. It suggests when rebuilding, start with the basics, start small and only through hard work will you rise again. Radok is a god of farmers and this correlates with the care and diligence in planting a crop and caring for it all the way to harvest.
  • Melila - "Mercy"

    Focus: Dark Mother, A Cure
    Reverse Focus: Death
    Advice: Often seen injured, diseased, or you have experienced ruin in your life. You will find your cure, however the road to recovery will be perilous and you may question if all the suffering required to recover was worth it. It invokes the idea of a mother who acknowledges the road to recovery in her child will be full of pain and shows little mercy in the daily ministrations. In the reverse, it indicates that death may be the only release from pain and suffering. It doesn't advocate suicide, more so it advocates acceptance of circumstances.
    Valshin; Moon of darkest blues with black marbling. When Valshin is invoked, it turns the meaning and injects mercy at all levels. The road to recovery may be rough, but expect solace and comfort along the way.
  • Salar - "Wandering Child"

    Focus: Stranger, Dark truths
    Reverse Focus: Unknown danger
    Advice: This card indicates little more than a stranger is going to enter your life and impact it in interesting ways. Often this stranger will cause you to take and entirely unexpected path. Often knowledge will be revealed in the process which you will wish you didn't know. The advice is to look for and accept this knowledge as it is something you need to know. In the reverse, this is even more important because what you don't know will hurt you.
    Borollo; Moon of solid gray with small strands of white. When Borollo is invoked, don't be surprised if magic is involved at some level. Borollo advises strongly the need to dig deeper into anything unusual occurring around you, quite possibly for your own good.
  • Darkello - "Night's Fire"

    Focus: Enlightenment, Forbidden knowledge
    Reverse Focus: Dangerous or harmful Knowledge
    Advice: This card indicated that you will glean greater understanding or knowledge about a topic you have been pursuing. Unlike Salar, it's knowledge you want, yet probably shouldn't have. In the reverse, it could indicate possession of this knowledge is a risk for you. For example, you might find out the public name of a local crime boss and are now a target for elimination.
    Yahalla; Moon of solid rust red. When Yahalla is indicated, a much more neutral tone is taken. It simply implies that some knowledge you have been searching for will soon be found. It also can indicate if you have been struggling to figure something out, you will soon find a good solution.
  • The Half Moon

    Focus: A physical threat, Storm, Weather,
    Reverse Focus: Catastrophe
    Advice: The Warning Card. Often something natural will soon be a threat to you. Could be anything from a bizarre accident, bad weather, to coming across a venomous reptile. This card advises you to not take unnecessary risks. In the reverse, it indicates catastrophe is pending, often from a major natural event like a storm or earthquake.
    Torya; Moon of palest orange. Torya being invoked often indicates the same thing as the normal card, a warning. However, in this case steps to stay safe may be more evident and could involve seeking succor in one of her temples or advise from one of her followers.
  • Schraum - "Nullifier"

    Focus: Entropy, Lost time
    Reverse Focus: Forgotten memories, Spiritual Threat
    Advice: This card is often rather benign compared to several other of the Celestials. It merely indicates that something is going to waste your time. It could be a wrong assumption, a red herring, or a wild goose chase. Unfortunately, if time is critical, that could cause problems. In the reverse, it indicates you have forgotten something important or overlooked something important. While it advises to seek this out, often times, what is lost remains lost. It can also imply that you are under spiritual attack from either internal or external sources. A spiritual attack include anything and causes you to loose sight of your moral compass, causes you to loose sight of what you believe to be important in life, to an actual attack aimed at destroying your beliefs.
    Kristor; Moon of lightest yellow. When Kristor is invoked it can be similar to the main card depending on the other cards of the reading. However, there is usually a message that with time, all things fade. Including the fearfulness of current events, emotional hurt, and loss. Kristor can also be taken as advise to wait for other events to develop.
  • Wegsetze - "Humiliator"

    Focus: Humiliation, Gossip
    Reverse Focus: Vindication
    Advice: Humiliation and Defeat are already present or soon will be. While you likely can't avoid this fate as it is brought by outside sources, you can endure as your destruction is not the result. You are now the target of gossip. In reverse, it is not so much as vindication in the form of exoneration but more you will have an avenue to attack back in kind.
    Letheria; Moon of grayish blue. Represents fire and ice. Feminine overtones. Whereas Wegsetze focuses on humiliation, Letheria is more interested in all forms of discomfort and pain. Where she is concerned, humility becomes a luxury.
  • Burasco - "Sun Chaser"

    Focus: Theft of properties, honor, or ideas
    Reverse Focus: Ill-gotten gains
    Advice: This card advises to be careful, as you are or already the victim of theft. It could be random, or it could be targeted. It also advises against gambling, not so much that you will be cheated but that you are heading for an unlucky streak. In the reverse, it indicates that you will have a good opportunity to take that which you don't deserve. It could be physical goods, but could also be something as simple a undue credit. The choice will be yours.
    Sanderal; Moon of dark forest green with very slight wisps of white. With Sanderal, it is almost always in the reversed positions and it indicates a level of good fortune coming your way as Sanderal has taken notice of your actions.
  • Kog - "Beautiful Slayer, Blue Seeker"

    Focus: Violent response, Planned response
    Reverse Focus: War
    Advice: This card indicates that someone is planning aggression against you. It could be a violent and unpredictable response to an action you have taken or a calculated response. Where Thrakku and Rikorskey tend to be more personal, this is more large scale and may be against an organization you are part of. In the reverse position all out war is being initiated.
    Josca; Moon of dark blue with discrete red streaks circling. When Josca is indicated, this card indicates one of two things. The first relates to Kog in that you should with proper planning be able to mount a creditable defense. The second option deals with her aspect of physical beauty. In this position it indicates a need that despite what happens, you will need to focus on keeping up appearances of being above the fray. Failure to do so will cause loss of confidence by others in your abilities.
  • Elarxinebos - "Mind Slasher"

    Focus: Scattered thoughts, Misleading Information
    Reverse Focus: Magical Attack
    Advice: The Deceit card. You have being deceived. Usually by another, though it can rarely indicate deception from your own intuition and thoughts. The advise is to question everything an opponent or adversary gives you. In reverse it indicates a magical attack up you. It could be something simple as a scrying into your personal affairs but more often means an attack of magic designed to deceive or possibly curse you.
    Slinjetto; Tiny moon of silvery white. When Slinjetto is invoked, you are advised to act quickly and with surety. The abruptness of your actions will cause dissension and confusion in those who have aligned against you. While Slinjetto is a goddess of chaos and war, the advise is to not go to the extreme - the advise is for quickness over decisiveness.
  • Shaze - "Blood Binge"

    Focus: Commencement of senseless hostilities, Disease
    Reverse Focus: Evil
    Advice: This card invokes the idea that you are the target of events occurring from entirely random events. Much like catching a disease unexpectedly, this is unavoidable. If anything, this card advises that sometimes things just happen which appear cruel however they have no reason. This card stresses not to waste time looking for a cause, for a waste of time it will be. It does not make any council in how to respond, just not to look for a cause. In the reverse, it indicates you were the unlucky victim of something truly evil which has no personal interest in you, you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
    Grethello; Moon of reddish/purple mists. As Grethello is largely considered to be insane and evil, no rational for his actions ever exist. Getting this card when inspired by Grethello takes on a strange quirk. It more or less represents the card Shaze, however it hints that you can avoid this ill fate if you be the force for entirely random evil violence yourself - making yourself the actuator of this card rather than the subject. This is one of the few cards that seems to give you an option after the reading as to what the reading means.
  • Vrask (Ghost planet)

    Focus: Loss, Forgotten possessions, Unseen Value
    Reverse Focus: A return, Value restored
    Advice: The ghostly green sister planet to Camoray. Seeing this card often indicates something you have forgotten or lost, possibly unknowingly, and many times it is something of value. In its reverse position it may indicate that whatever you lost is on its way back into your life. This could be anything from a lover to a hated rival. The true value of what is returning might be hidden, so this card suggests you analyze everything new in your life for hidden meaning, to see if its not actually something old.
    Almost no augur includes this card in their deck. It represents and reinforces the idea of something loss and unseen. If this card needs to appear, it will appear. Once it appears in the deck it will usually be present for a few reading before disappearing again.
  • Untitled

    Focus: None
  • Untitled

    Focus: Fire: Divine Magics, Mysteries, Initiative, Drive, Desire, Risk Taking
  • Rogue of Dragons - "Nightmare"

    Focus: None
    Advice: Sometimes things mysterious are too dangerous. Traditions are designed to protect. When this card is revealed, it means that the subject has pushed to far and taken a path ill advised. The road taken is leading to ruin. It follows the aspect of fire - one who plays with fire sometimes gets burned. This card has no real advice, it is simply informing the augur that the subject has yet to face the inevitable consequences of their actions.
  • Ace of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: A time of starting, now is the time to jump in. Lots of energy and potential is surrounding you. Results may vary, however success only results from action. Action is better than inaction.
  • 2 of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: Avoid pushing yourself to make a commitment or decision. This represents potential conflict in choices. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Waiting for more information might be advised.
  • 3 of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card represents success of initial goals and as such advises against resting on laurels. Take your rest and vacation. However, rest too long and you suffer setback towards your ultimate goals. This card is tied to justice and reaping initial rewards - as such, negative connotations could be perceived if initial rewards actually means just deserts.
  • 4 of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: Significant pain, but pain may represent a beginning of something better. You may need to strike out on your own. Be ready for personal loss in order to grow.
  • 5 of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: Swiftly unfolding events will occur forcing you to deal with change. You will have to move fast to keep up. This could also be a sudden romance. Now is the time to take on a stubborn obstacle as events will allow for unexpected options.
  • 6 of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card represents the need to face personal truths to move forward. Emotional hijacking is possible. This card recommends the need to carefully examine not your emotions but the cause of your emotions. It can reflect that outside influences are negatively affecting your decisions without your knowledge.
  • 7 of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: Be the leader, break away and start a new trend. This card is about victory and inspiring others. Your efforts will soon be recognized as you are on the right path.
  • 8 of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card advises the power of waiting. Change is stability. Expect difficulties, but also expect a way to overcome to be revealed. While you should act in defense, be ready to wait if needed. This may mean now is a good time to heal or rest up from past conflicts. You have given enough forward progress - pause for now.
  • 9 of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card represents a need to seek out guidance from higher powers. It reveals the need to except a truth that sometimes the plan of one's life isn't their own.
  • Knight of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: The time is now for an all out effort, don't hold anything back. Defeat is looming if you pause or rest. This card can represent that failure seems eminent, yet it offers strong hope that victory is still possible when you give it your all.
  • Priest of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: The conception of a new idea. Or possibly a young child coming into your life. This represents a fullness of energy and ambition. The catalyst to promote change in another's hopeless situation is at hand. This card represents freedom to act. Like a child - learn your surroundings. Look up the situation with new eyes.
  • Mage of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: The energy of the instigator or the fire starter is present. This card represents someone who is easily provoked and prone to attacking first. This person acts now then questions later. This person may appear bad tempered and abrupt, however they often do care about those around them. This card advises movement, being bold and courageous. It can represent someone important quickly coming into your life or leaving it abruptly.
  • Lord/Lady of Dragons

    Focus: None
    Advice: The Victor. Never surrenders, never gives up. Will not rest on laurels, will continue on to the next challenge. Will sometimes make the wrong decision, but usually succeeds through force of will. If you can't complete the task, this card advises to help rise someone up who can complete the task. Leads from the front rather than orders from behind.
  • Untitled

    Focus: None
  • Untitled

    Focus: Spirit: Magical (Arcane), Reason, Knowledge, Wisdom, Important Decisions, Advanced Years. Sometimes Death
  • Rogue of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: A difficult task or journey is ahead. This card strongly suggests that the task or journey is too much and insurmountable. It advises putting one's head down and simply trudging ahead. If one is to move past this task, it is only after one has pushed themselves to their limits. This card does not represent a sprint, it represents a true marathon.
  • Ace of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: Represents moving forward, however the need to clear the distractions and roadblocks with a rational mind is necessary. The subject will need to discriminate carefully and be ready to move past illusions, self created or not.
  • 2 of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: The need is strong for more information. A decision made now without taking the time to gather more knowledge will likely be a bad decision.
  • 3 of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: Self-reliance will be critical for success. Don't be afraid to ask for help, however. Look to the past for inspiration. The card can have connotations of healing oneself through rest, relaxation and meditation
  • 4 of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card can represent both inner and outer conflict. Inner conflict will come from doubt, guilt, or feelings of inadequacy, while outer will represent skeptics and lack of respect. Your strategy is to prioritize. Forgiveness and repentance can be key at this time. This card hints at a resolution of the battle - you will need to find your center so you can focus on your goals.
  • 5 of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: Lack of understanding means that outcomes are not set in stone. While the inner self understands, the conscious mind does not. Reflect and mediate. Look inside yourself for answers.
  • 6 of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: Stay focused on the desired outcome. This card indicates forces opposing you coming from a single source. Avoid direct confrontation, seek guile and cunning to get round obstacles.
  • 7 of Books - "The Test"

    Focus: None
    Advice: This is a time to learn from mistakes. Your options are restricted, possibly from things beyond your control. The secret to this card is focusing on the things you can control.
  • 8 of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card is full of mental anguish so carefully consider the other cards in the spread. This anguish could be real or could be paranoia. It may be time to give up on a goal. This card warns that pride may be the reason you can't give up on the goal, and if that is so, further expect further anguish.
  • 9 of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: The worst of your troubles are behind you. Use logic and thought going forward.
  • Sage of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: Hold your ground. Have courage by recognizing and using your fears to your advantage. You may be called upon to take the moral high ground in adversity. The advise here is to make sure any upcoming conflict is not only needed, but just.
  • Priest of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: Your efforts are now overshadowing your original goals. This can also represent someone having dominion over you and is using your abilities for their gain. Advise is to examine your beliefs and goals and determine if they are inline with your ultimate agenda.
  • Mage of Books

    Focus: None
    Advice: Expect council from a sharp witted elder. Possibly a teacher. This person can be trusted. When referencing yourself, it recommends making your own decisions and exercising independence.
  • Lord/Lady of Books - "The Si'Nassa Card."

    Focus: None
    Advice: Represents a figure of authority with intentions to help you. However they will believe they know what is best for you. They will be assertive. Listen carefully to their advice carefully before making any counter decisions.
    This card often represents Si'Nassapherion or her direct interest. None of the Coteries have their own cards.
  • Untitled

    Focus: None
  • Untitled

    Focus: None
  • Untitled

    Focus: Water: Love, Life, Emotion, Adulthood
  • Rogue of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: Represents betrayal. This could be a lover cheating on you or a trusted ally revealing secrets or betraying trust. It could also be a strange twist of fate where it just seems like life is betraying you. Whatever the cause, this card advises temperance in a response despite the need to overreact. The decisions you make now could be permanent.
  • Ace of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: The start of something good. Don't be afraid of questioning a relationship, of asking the relationship to be something more or stronger that it was before. Take on a creative challenge.
  • 2 of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: A recent or upcoming partnership will prove beneficial and bring about good things.
  • 3 of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: The Consent or Yes card. Long term happiness. This could be a birth or completion of a major task or goal.
  • 4 of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: This is a warning card. It advise to break out of your current cycle else you might lose yourself and not know it.
  • 5 of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: Something or someone from your past will bring good tidings. Look to your past to build for the future.
  • 6 of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: This negative card is a warning not to engage in the legacy of your family. If you can't move on, you will be consumed by the traditions, curses, or ways of your family. This will not be easy. Breaking with what is normal for your family (or group, or social status) requires effort and potential loss.
  • 7 of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: Disappointment or emotional setback. A betrayal of the heart. This card recommends against misplaced trust and unguarded vulnerability. Take the time to protect your heart. Big changes are coming which will result in stability and security, however at a high personal cost.
  • 8 of Cups - "The Happy Card"

    Focus: None
    Advice: A good balance of life, work, and responsibilities. Happiness and Contentment go hand in hand. While this card is more a revealer of what is, it has a slight warning not to upset this balance with unwise pursuits. This card asks you not to forget what you have.
  • 9 of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: The card advises you to look to mending a past relationship or start a new friendship. Happiness will lie that direction. This card also to share you wins and prosperity. Don't ignore the positive benefits of public service.
  • Bard of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: Offer support to others and be the bearer of happy tidings. This card indicates and inclination toward art and entertainment. The subject possesses a good nature. This card also indicates that good news is coming.
  • Priest of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: This is a warning card not to put other's needs before you too often else they might become dependent. It recommends that at times you will need to exercise passive influence and allow them the perception of self-actualized victories.
  • Mage of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: Seek the comfort of home. Follow your heart, jump into relationships with both feet. Seek victory through your cleverness and wit.
  • Lord/Lady of Cups

    Focus: None
    Advice: Represents someone with pure intentions, yet acting emotionless. Advises to be the leader, yet be detached. Don't let emotions cloud your judgement, yet follow your conscience.
  • Untitled

    Focus: None
  • Untitled

    Focus: Air: Social Status, Nobility, Military, Social Power, Ambition, Conflict, Family
  • Rogue of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: Represents a loss of face, or pending loss of face. Could be embarrassment from a scandal. A secret revealed. Take great care in your coming actions. How you handle events in the near future could strongly affect how those around you perceive you. You need to act with grace in coming events and not just lash out. If you need to react with anger, do so intentionally.
  • Ace of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: Represents a new phase in life, a change for the better. However, it represents this change will come through adversity and conflict. Advises to brace yourself for this conflict and embrace it. Don't seek to placate or mollify those around you - seek to bargain and negotiate with firmness.
  • 2 of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: Seek balance and mediation. Resolution can bring peace. Seek to repair broken relationships. Avoid making decisions. Avoid confrontation.
  • 3 of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: A temporary rest or respite from conflicts. Enjoy it while it lasts. This is a good time for self reflection and priorities.
  • 4 of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: Beware of a forceful personality. Don't get run down by another's zealous dedication to success. This card represents heading for turbulent times. When referring to the subject of the spread, it represents impulsiveness, inner bias, and a attack first asks questions later personality.
  • 5 of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: Handle defeat with grace. Be prepared to move on. Be realistic in expectations and be prepared to be disappointed in others - especially those you consider allies.
  • 6 of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card represents the need for proper groundwork in working for greater things. It's placement in the suit of Eye/Flags indicates this groundwork will be in the form of networking and teamwork. The advice is simple, take the time to get the basics in place before proceeding.
  • 7 of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card represents and unexpected change in fate, but one that is generally for the better. Often a physical journey is required. It may be as simple needing to change where one calls home for greater prestige or it could be relocating to another city or even nation. In the reverse it indicates an arduous journey, yet still one that ends well. There are few negative connotations associated with this card.
  • 8 of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card represents that you must carefully examine recent advice. While it may have value, on its face it is bad advice. The intent to deceive you with what you wanted to hear has been made.
  • 9 of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card represents a strong need to communicate with those you consider rivals. It may also indicate needing clarification of directives from a superior.
  • Watchman of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: Vigilance may conceal an ulterior motive in allies as they are afraid to act openly. Rely on your ability to react quickly. Don't be afraid to be stubborn or opinionated as this can disguise any uncertainties you may have.
  • Priest of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card represents the manager of resources. It advises to use resources well, use your people well. It indicates the need to not be afraid to risk your people. Trust in others to aid you as needed.
  • Mage of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: The Mage of Eyes has goals and the drive to get them. The most charismatic of the Eyes/Flags and easily has the friends to prove it. It can also be the most stubborn and may show traits of believing itself to be invincible. There is a tendency to take on other's problems. This card advises to speak your mind and give advice especially when your opinion is sought. The subject of this card will have a tendency to want to take the reigns and will not be afraid to engage tough issues.
  • Lord/Lady of Eyes

    Focus: None
    Advice: Represents someone of superior standing. They can aid you, however they will be doing so out of their own interests. They are helping you with the goal of helping themselves. As such, this advises that you should be aware that their help may come with strings attached or may eventually be counter to your own well being.
  • Untitled

    Focus: None
  • Untitled

    Focus: Earth: Merchants, Material Possessions, Business, Adolescent Years
  • Rogue of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Beware of seduction from things too good to be true. This card can represent both the seducer and the seduced. If you are planning any form of deceptive actions, for personal gain or for the benefit of the group, now is the time to act.
  • Ace of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: It is a good time to start on a new path. Luck will play a part in your future endeavors. Be bold, you are on a good path.
  • 2 of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Consider choices carefully, really factor in the potential costs of success. Don't turn down assistance, especially if it is coming in the form of information.
  • 3 of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Success in pending. Recognition also. Don't forget to allow your peers to help. Now is the time to show your success to the world.
  • 4 of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Prosperity has a cost of responsibility associated with it. While needs are satisfied, victory might feel hollow.
  • 5 of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Be leery of short term promises. Avoid taking on short term goals. This card is a negative card with regards to anything short term. While you can overcome immediate set backs, you need to carefully evaluate what is important.
  • 6 of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Seek out long term contracts, long term aid. Secure commitment. Actions taken now will have long term impact, usually to your benefit.
  • 7 of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Your success is tied to others. It may be from their generosity or it may be that there are strings attached. Alternatively, look for those with the talent to mutually benefit you both. This card is not about taking advantage of others - doing so may lead to ruin.
  • 8 of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Fruits of your actions are at hand. A well earned victory. Many will celebrate your wins. However, this card does have overtones of solitude as you have yet to share your victories with others who may have aid you in success. Advice is not to forget those who helped you get to where you are at.
  • Priest of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: A longstanding reward from a long endeavor. This reward is possibly what you leave your family or could reference an inheritance from you family. This card speaks to what you leave others after your success. This card comes with a warning not to overvalue your contribution. Unlike the 8 of coins which speaks more of the present, this card suggests legacy and the future end results of your labors.
  • Mage of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Practical advice or possibly financial aid from someone who cares about your success because they care about you. This has a feminine overtone as like a mother for her child. In turn, it reminds that success and rewards are not solely from your actions - others have possibly contributed to your success.
  • Lord/Lady of Coins

    Focus: None
    Advice: Stability and confidence in dealings. This is a position of respect and possibly power. It represents the power to affect others for better or for worse. As such, it may represent the presence of someone else who can aid you financially or in business. This card advises to consider carefully the harm your actions may cause others.
  • Untitled

    Focus: None
  • Untitled

    Focus: Wood: Common Laborers, Nature, Farmers, Youth, Childhood, Animalistic Urges
    Many of these cards represent the struggle of growth or just the struggle of life.
  • Rogue of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Loss. Despite your best intentions and hard work, what you value, your goals and challenges, have or will soon meet with failure. It can represent a true theft of assets, a house lost to fire, disease, or even the loss of loved ones. The key takeaway with this card is that while it represents loss, you still have yourself. You can give in to despair, or start over with what you have left. Sometimes others will depend on your strength to help them overcome the same tragedy, as this card represents events tied solely to you.
  • Ace of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Prepare diligently. Any new paths you are about to undertake will be arduous and long lasting. Success is likely, however the likelihood is proportional to the level or preparedness.
  • 2 of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Good news. One of the most positive of the Staves/Swords. Be ready to act, be ready to approach your goals with fresh eyes. However, it acknowledges the need to study well and understand the underlying practices and procedures of your profession and craft.
  • 3 of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: This is a card of hope and growth. It represents the need to change and grow. Whatever you believe your goals are now, new goals and priorities will soon be revealed. It is time to put away childish things.
  • 4 of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Initially a distressing card. It recognizes that the first attempt has likely failed, and rather than waste resources to fix that which has broken or is failed, a better path would be to simply start again.
  • 5 of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Hard lessons. Mistakes made require you to take a step back and reexamine not your goals but your choice of direction. While giving up is an option, taking the time learn your lessons without getting bitter or despondent will aid you in the long term.
  • 6 of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Now is a time to depend on yourself. Be careful not to depend too much on what others have done for you in the past. And don't let what others have done to you distract you from your immediate goals. Alternatively, this card compares with the concept of the harder you are on yourself, the easier life is on you. The easier you are on your self, the hard life is on you. This card then stresses that your life will have a goal. Either one of your choosing or if you don't take up a goal, life will then provide one for you and you probably won't like what it chooses.
  • 7 of Swords - "The Hexagram, The Community"

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card is a card of unity. Success is impossible without the aid of others. This card doesn’t indicate the presence of coming help, it indicates the absolute need for additional assistance in order to succeed.
    This card is always seen with 6 swords or six staves making up a hexagram.
  • 8 of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: This card is tied to inspiration and craftmanship. It indicates a true passion and zeal for the goal. Hard work has been evident. This card offers a warning to not become so consumed with success that one forgets to enjoy life or the process.
  • 9 of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Currently it looks as if no progress is being made, that you are stuck. No matter what you do, nothing seems to work. The subject of the card may feel like they are failing. In the short term, this card indicates 'Damned if you do, Damned if you don't.' However, there is hope with this card as it advises to keep on the same path, not to surrender to the monotony. Focus on the long term goal and stay the path. Success is still pending but if you have the strength of will to endure success is possible.
  • The Assassin of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Be prepared to deal with consequences. You impending fate is unavoidable. This card advises to lay low awhile, it often appears when you are exhausted or burnt out.
  • Priest of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Patience and dependability in light of adversity. Indicates encouragement given, possibly from someone young. Could also indicate you helping others, where you make the difference in their success. This card suggest the need for you to stand firm as others might be depending on you.
  • Mage of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: The Mage of Swords suggests that it is darkest before the dawn. Many distractions will occur. Advice is focus on the big picture and not to get distracted. This card advises for a final push, a final effort even when things seem grim.
  • Lord/Lady of Swords

    Focus: None
    Advice: Represents someone with experience who has already travelled the paths you have chosen and seen success through trial and error. Take their advice seriously, as they understand the dangers well. In turn, it suggests that someone around you is in need of your experience.

Manufacturing process

Each user makes their own cards. Shape, appearance, and type of art or up to the individual.


Made by the individual for personal use
Base Price
True cards can't be sold


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