Journal Entry 32.02 Graykar's Swan Song in Under the Twilight of Forgotten Sins | World Anvil
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Journal Entry 32.02 Graykar's Swan Song

After returning, Graykar drifted further and further away from the rest of the party. He became embroiled in the politics of Chrailis, moving up through the ranks of the Borkjä until he was one of its leaders.  He also earned himself a title in the aristocracy as Lord Graykar, living a dual identity.   During this time, with Gordan’s help, they helped realign many of the guiding principles of the Borkjä back to some of its original philosophies. No longer were they set on the annihilation of Si’Nassa. As a whole, they realized that the problem didn't lie directly with Si'Nassa and her Coterie, it was those they allowed to rule the city in their name.  The Borkjä became more of a vigilante force, helping to right the wrongs of the city created by an abusive corrupt aristocracy underneath the Coteries.    One of the first tasks Graykar embarked on was eliminating the power base that Lord Madamus had created. Through several clever manipulations, Lord Madamus was made to look incompetent in business dealings and the buffoon. His allies deserted him. In the end, even his wife, Lady Sherayne, had deserted him. Two days later, he was found dead by suicide. Graykar knew that Lady Sherayne was actually the real power manipulating Madumus, but Graykar was happy with the victories he could get.   A year later later, Dame Imokan returned. She extended an offer to Graykar to travel back with her and explore distant lands. Unlike the rest of the party, only Graykar accepted Imokan’s offer and left Chrailis behind.    Of the group, he is the only one who finally met Imokan’s sister while helping mount the rescue attempt of where she was trapped. Of course, that would be another story and for Gryakar, it would be another lifetime.


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