Colonial Kankoan Ethnicity in Underoverse | World Anvil
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Colonial Kankoan

Kankou began to be colonized in the early 1300s, those who came to the peninsula and archipelago mainly coming from the directions of the Ybeli Empire and Elmsbrae. Non-native settlers started to appear in the form of pioneers, travelers, merchants, and homesteaders and generally these settlers were of no issue to the native people, as the Native Kankoans are very welcoming and hospitable people. Over time, however, the small villages, integrated people, and homesteads were not the only forms of settlement popping up. Some that came to Kankou did so surveying the land for future endeavors and to observe the area to find out if/where the lands were hospitable for colonization. Before too long small colonies of foreigners became present in mostly the east of the peninsula. Those colonies got bigger and began to take from the native civilizations and spread into their lands and eventually more colonies formed closer to the center of the peninsula, the biggest, most populated becoming Limani Ano.
  The colonies became more powerful and overbearing than the natives, having brought over weaponry with the rich nobles moving into the paradise-like environment and using the land as a way to feel as if on constant vacation. The environment being as beautiful and bountiful as Kankou is, the popularity spread quickly from the colonists to other wealthy outsiders with enough money and resources to move to the new colony. The natives began to fight back more when their existence and propriety were being challenged– mostly when their borders were crossed or lands invaded, they attempted to protect themselves and hold their grounds. This was almost futile, as the colonists simply had more weaponry and resources. Their numbers had grown significantly and eventually, Lumosian religion and known human and elvish taboos taking a hold in the colonies, the tiefling natives became not just a nuisance, but a unholy and dangerous presence to many. The Kankoan Civil War, a very long event that went on and off for years, came to be as the tensions rose to a level where they had to break, and tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of tiefling natives were victim to genocidal warfare.
The civil war died out as the strongholds of Native Kankoan society fell and, frankly, the native population was nearly wiped off the map. The fighting dwindled, the natives resorting to only guerrilla warfare, if not simply hiding or fleeing. The Colonists founded the Kankoan Colonies in 1322, however after the war the colonies were unified under the title the Sovereign State of Kankou. After the war the colonial Kankoans did not cease their stigma and discrimination towards the natives, though not technically in a state of war any longer. Instead, the Purges stared; spontaneous and violent ousting and murdering or raiding of Native Kankoans remaining in the country. The colonial extremist groups across the nation known as the "Katharístis" tormented and struck fear into the lives of natives remaining for years after the war, even when tensions were dispersed enough to allow some tieflings to live their lives in the larger cities and in small island locations without as much colonial interference.
Colonial Kankoans range from nobility to merchants and farmers, but generally are not destitute as the people who came to the Kankoan Colonies in the earlier days and even more recently often had to have money to do so. Even though the colonies were established early on, the culture of the colonists is somewhat unique, as war and sharing an environment has inevitably had some integration between the natives and themselves. Some colonists are even variant humans, though usually this is due to bastardization at some point or another in a bloodline.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alessia, Isabella, Carissa, Castalia, Dia, Katarina, Luna, Rosina, Sarafina, Viola, Maria, Rosa

Masculine names

Acciai, Angelo, Mateo, Adelio, Darien, Luca, Lucio, Nico, Teo, Romeo, Santino

Unisex names

Capri, Ciel, Ciri, Tosca, Eren, Arisse, Marin

Family names

Francesca, Constantino, DeAngelo, Domenica, Donatella, Contessa, Monaco, Maurilio, Mariano, Valentino, Vinicio, Verona


Major language groups and dialects

Colonial Kankoans typically speak a dialect of common, however elvish is also not unusual especially amongst nobility. Some that are more in the middle class range will speak some Kankoan Kreolé or rarely Kankoan Infernal. Colonial Kankoan Common is a dialect with a very specific recognizable accent to it that has developed over the years.

Major organizations

  • The Sovereign State of Kankou; the nation that is represented and created by Colonial Kankoans.
  • The Katharístis; a kind of extremist group of Colonial Kankoans across the nation that often "purge" Native Kankoans by lynching, killing, capturing, torturing and/or raiding.
Parent ethnicities

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