Noctis Character in Underoverse | World Anvil
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The Great Watcher

Noctis is the first of the seven major gods. Though all knowledge of the seven exists through myth, scripture, stories and accounts by various blessed or cursed enough to encounter them, and thus is generally up to interpretation, Noctis' existence as the first god out of the seven is somehow simply known. There is some dispute– generally from Lumosian followers believing in Lumos as the supreme god– but the small amount that is known to the world of Noctis' existence seems to include that fact. He is old. Older than Novea, older than all that is known by mortals. Noctis was, however, created in some form or another, so some, especially the few who are his followers or chosen entities, believe Noctis knows of something beyond time and beyond himself. Something older, something that is now absent, or perhaps simply gone to something else that is incomprehensible. That speculation is considered heresy in most Lumosian sects. And by many else it is considered an existential theory that is too bizarre to understand if not simply considered insane. Nonetheless, Noctis is old. As such, he knows extreme amounts about the past and present, but due to his antisocial and enigmatic nature there is little shared of this knowledge.
Noctis is an extremely intimidating god to many of those who have interacted with him or heard of his presence. He is mysterious, vast, and largely incomprehensible to mortal senses. He is often silent, always observing but rarely touching or communicating directly. When he does speak, it is mostly recorded that he sounds staticky, unusual and unsettling in his tonality and rhythm (or lack there of). Somehow somewhat monotonous, yet speaking in multiple different voices. He chooses his words precisely despite how they are presented, and only speaks in as many words as necessary, no more. Noctis is said to mainly present himself (on the extremely rare occasion that he does) as a void without visible boundaries with seemingly endless amounts of white glowing eyes that can appear, disappear, watch, and follow at his leisure.
The dominion of Noctis includes night, death* (this is unclear, some believe Mytera is more involved, some believe the Raven Queen to be a separate entity, and so on), silence, solitude, knowledge, the past and archiving of events, patience, astrology, liminality, and so on. It is very unclear what exactly he has dominion over other than a few concepts and entities, as he is very alien and very enigmatic with his presence or beliefs. Those who do follow Noctis agree generally on a few morals/values: seeking all/any knowledge, patience, thinking and observing before action, understanding the unknown, finding solace in solitude, and silence as a form of clarity. Some sects and followers value existentialism and theory, some believe strongly in fatelessness and the idea that the future is ineffable.
Noctis remains the most mysterious of the seven gods. Religions and organizations surrounding Noctis are generally few and far between due to both his absence and alien, ineffable existence being intimidating and unsettling to many. He has been known to very occasionally bestow upon the material world Aasimars– but their existences seem to be spaced out in location and by many decades, centuries, even millennia. Noctis' Aasimars have been referred to as "Seraphim", or simply as Archivists in certain scripts– it's unclear, but suggested that they could be a separate subrace of Aasimar, or another thing entirely. Other entities, such as Solars, Planetars, and so on, are mysterious but expected to exist, potentially as watchers or archivists. It is considered that he resides somewhere at the edge of the Far Realm– possibly surrounding the other planes and acting as a literal liminal space between what else could exist out of the known universe. The manner in which he exists and the reason for such is very unclear.

 desc; Inoor Velenin given power in Ybele's time of need after a strange string of events lead to him nearly dying and, in a liminal state between life and death, appearing before the god. Later, Inoor used his tie to the god to ask for some kind of assistance and, miraculously, Noctis answered. The god agreed, interested in the goliath's unique view on himself being a god, going so far as to claim Noctis was a reflection of himself. Inoor agreed due to this view to an exchange in which Noctis took the faith from his followers, leaving all those Inoor swayed to his religion with no godly belief in him. The power granted is still vague and potentially not fully represented as of yet– however one ability Noctis bestowed is to touch a being and read their past, their entire history.

Holy Books & Codes

  • There is no "bible" or known singular book or collection of Noctis' contribution directly, however the Seraphim, along with other entities related to Noctis, are said to hold books referred to as "Enochron". The Enochron is a creation meant to document the world in various ways, record events, and communicate in a very, very limited sense with Noctis. Usually "communication" means less interaction from both ends and more a way to inform the god of events or details for the sake of finding out information as quickly and in as much detail as possible. Enochron are referred to as holy books if somehow acquired by sects of Noctis, though they are guarded heavily by the entities holding them and Noctis himself so long as the entities are living. 

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  1. The Seraphim Akira Azuma's marking. Only known to be a divine marking/symbol.
  2. Shadowfell/Shadar Kai specific symbol used primarily in tattooing, acknowledging the god of the dark. It is perceived in different ways and has various meanings regarding Noctis, the origins are also unclear, but however it is taken it connects in some way the Shadowfell and the god. Many followers of the Raven Queen have been known to respect and give tribute to Noctis, even if not a centerpiece in their religion particularly. 
  3. General symbol of Noctis. Shape surrounding the eye is optional; the main point of the symbol is the horizontal eye surrounded by the dark. 

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Most interactions with mortals that have ever happened with Noctis have the subjects describing him as a void, a black vortex, the boundaries of which are impossible to determine. In this vortex the only visible figures are white, glowing eyes. They range in size and numbers– some say they come and go, some say they grow in numbers the longer he is interacting. The eyes stare, watch, blink, and follow as any eyes would but do not quite seem physical– more like they are part of the fabric of the reality Noctis either is or exists in.

Personality Characteristics


  • Learning
  • Watching
  • Archiving
  • Maintaining peaceful solitude
  • Maintaining the unknown
  • *Debated/theory: separating the universe from whatever could be beyond/the mortal ineffable
Divine Classification
Major God
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Great Archivist
  • The First 
So old
Circumstances of Birth
Generally referred to as the first of the seven gods
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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