Privateer Rank/Title in Underoverse | World Anvil
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A Privateer refers to the rank directly below Lieutenant or Lance Knight in the Aspída Lodge. The Privateer is the middle tier of Aspída Lodge officers, the one that is the medium between Venturer and Lieutenant/Lance Knight. Privateers are only career-path and most of them end up being privateers, though being able to take on higher ranks within Privateer, indefinitely without making it to Lieutenant or Lance Knight, as those higher ranks are hard to achieve. The Privateer rank can range in it's power depending on the individual's job and placement.
Privateers either work in the field of a Lieutenant or a Lance Knight and typically report in to Lieutenants. Sometimes Lance Knights and Lieutenants will have temporary "apprentices" that are higher ranking Privateers, who help them with whatever they need and train with them for a certain amount of time. Lieutenants often have Privateer assistants at their assigned headquarters for solid, longer periods of time, where as Lance Knights only take on an apprentice/trainee Privateer for a temporary amount of time– a set number of days or weeks, usually no longer than a few months at most.
Privateers can range from pirate-like militant sailors, taking down the ships of actual pirates or hostile government vehicles and so on, to direct assistants to Lieutenants managing archives and arranging travel or scheduling for the Lieutenant. They can work as bodyguards, hired fighters, or an alternative to the the average policeman. They can be given other assignments as well; scouting missions to important hotspots, delivering badges or doing check ins with lower ranking officers, and more as it comes up.


  • Successful, diligent experience as a Venturer prior.
  • Successful, diligent, and impressive skill or experience showing potential in the field.
  • Signed contract of loyalty to the Aspída Lodge.
  • No other full time job; this is solely a career ranking.


Privateers can be appointed by a Lieutenant or Lance Knight however all must be approved by the Commander before being given their official badge. The Commander can appoint and approve whoever she wants. Most typically, Privateers are appointed by Lieutenants and approved by the Commander within the week.


  • Assisting Lieutenants and/or Lance Knights
  • Fighting either by land or ship at the Lodge's assignment
  • Fighting for the sake of those who need to be fought for or protected
  • Training, both militarily and in basic law and Aspída's order


Privateers are paid according to their specific jobs and locations. They are also paid by certain assignments on top of what their usual post is. It is usually a pretty decently paying job even at entry level, as it is a career-path job and no one within the rank is expected to have another job. Privateers are given room and board according to their location and job (local inns or taverns that have agreements with the Lodge, training barracks at specified headquarters, ships' quarters for those in marine jobs, etc.), and they are all given uniforms upon certification as a Privateer.

Accoutrements & Equipment

In addition to their uniforms, Privateers are given between one and three weapons from the Lodge's arsenal according to their specific job. They are given either breastplate armor or leather armor according to their specific job as well. Other various accoutrements are given as their jobs entail.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Privateer can be removed if they go directly against orders or directly against the Lodge's ideals. They will be removed and their archival files marked with their forced removal. A Privateer can be removed as well for being traitorous, which results in not only the marking of their documentation and taking of their badge and amenities that come with the job, but also they will be interrogated harshly and potentially even imprisoned for anywhere between a day to at most a few months depending on the severity of their misdeed. A Privateer can be dismissed with honor if they send in their valid reasoning with their badge and voluntarily give up the items loaned or given to them by the Lodge that the Lodge wants or requires be given back to them. A Privateer can also be dismissed without honor if their work is underwhelming or if they fall off the map for longer than a certain amount of time (depending on their assignment). Not following orders blatantly lead to a removal, which is a negative marking, however going completely MIA counts as neutral dismissal due to not knowing the reason for their inactivity.
Alternative Naming
Privateer of the Aspída Lodge, Κουρσάρος (Koursáros)
Equates to
About equivalent to a U.S. naval Captain or Lieutenant.
Reports directly to
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