Underoverse Birthday; Seilon Roux
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Birthday; Seilon Roux

Life, Birth


Seilon Roux was born in the Sovereign Kingdom of Orlea, Maura, titled and baptized Prince Seilon Arin Raphaél Bestla Roux d'Orlea. He was born a celestial entity of Lumos and miracle proof of holy bloodright to parents Roi Souverain Arin Aurélian Bestla Roux d'Orlea (Sovereign King Arin of Orlea) and Reine Mei Li Wei Bestla Roux d'Orlea (Queen Meili of Orlea).

Seilon is the rightful ruler of Orlea, as well as an angelic being directly under rule of Lumos, titling him an Angelic Prophet of the The Lumosian Church . He was baptized by the high priest of the Orlean Cathedral of Lumos with the title Prince Seilon Arin Raphaél Bestla Roux d'Orlea. 
Seilon is also the 6th generation to have the direct bloodright to the throne of the Kingdom of Areya since King Seere. This bloodright is essentially obsolete, as the Kingdom of Areya was re-established in 1505 as the United Nation of Areya, a representative federation headed by the military's First Commander General, and the rightful king no longer held political power. Though King Seere had many bastard children, Seilon is the only remaining true heir as he descends from the Bestla King and Queen's only legitimate son and each patriarch there forth. As such, he is of the pure celestial bloodline of King Argolmir of Areya, a minor deity gifted power by Lumos' divine shards. His royal Areyan title is that of King Seilon Arin Raphaél Bestla Roux d'Areya.

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