The United Enclave of America Organization in Underworld 2313 | World Anvil
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The United Enclave of America


The American Enclave was founded by the American survivors of The Great Seal. Many citizens of the United States of America lived in London at the time and there was a significant number of visiting Americans through work or tourism. Through a sense of mutual belonging the Americans began to gather together confident that their country would come to rescue them. This very early gathering of people was organised by American military personal led by General Tesla, who had been in London on a tour of weapons factories.    After six months the American survivors group had grown to tens of thousands and unrest had started to grow. It was obvious that a better way to govern was required, and so the military leadership stepped aside for an elected emergency congress. This official government was known as the Congress of American Survivors in London, however the Americans generally referred to themselves as the American Survivors. As time passed, outsiders began to call them the American Enclave, a name that soon entered the general vocabularly of the American Survivors and soon became the common name.    The Congress of American Survivors in London was set up only as a temporary body and refused to make long lasting decisions or acts, however every year the American Enclave began to suffer more and more from a lack of long term thinking. In the year 2105, five years after 'The Great Seal' and just following The Great Freeze, starvation and exposure was causing incredible unrest and violence, including several coup attempts. Seeing that a more permanent government was needed, seven politicaly influential individuals grouped together and drafted the American Enclave Accords. This document laid out the foundations of a permanent government based on the government of the USA. Following the approval of the American Enclave Accords by the Congress of American Survivors in London, a new country was founded: the United Enclave of America (UEA). This new country was to be a federation; the lands occupied by UEA citizens were organised into five States, each with their own Governer and Senate, and then a special administrative district was established around the new Capital City; Patriot City.   The first president was elected, congress, and senate was elected, and their first act was to pass a new constitution. Although a 'permanent' organisation, the UEA's Constitution states that when (not if) the USA rescues its trapped citizens, the UEA Government will immediately dispand and all citizens are to 'return' to status as citizens of the United States of America.   

Government and Politics

The UEA is a federal republic of five states. Citizens are subject to three levels of authority: Federal, State, and Local, all kept in line with the UEA Constitution through systems of checks and balances. At a federal level, there are three branches that mirror the Government of the USA; the Legislative branch, Executive branch, and Judicial branch.
  • The President (Executive branch) is elected every five years
  • Congress (Legislative branch) has 50 Senators (elected every four years) and 100 Representatives (elected every four years, in a two year cycle of elections)
  • The Supreme course (Judicial branch) has nine life-long supreme course judges
There are two major parties in the UEA:  
The Patricians: Right, Nationalist, Elitist, color is Black, Symbol is the Owl)   Leader: Walter Kennedy III   Major Issues:
  • Citizens without direct American Survivor lineage should not enjoy the rights of full decendants, and should be second class citizens (no right to vote, less favourable in job appointments, not allowed in military or police).
  • Immigration numbers should be zero, with shoot on sight policies across the wall.
  • Lower taxes for higher wage brackets.
  • No religious education on none Christian Denominations.
The Liberals: Centre Right, Nationalist, Elitist, Color is Brown, Symbol is the Hedgehog)   Leader: Melody Habsburg   Major Issues:
  • Fewer rights should be given to none UAE citizens.
  • New work visa scheme to allow for cheaper temporary labour to be brought in from abraod.
  • None Christian religious organisations should have to pay taxes.
  • Tases on corporations should be lowered.
  • Restrictions on imports should be removed.

States and Territories

UEA is made up of five states and a number of territories. The five original states have persisted over 213 years, whereas some territories have fallen in and out of control of the UEA and a state was ratified and then destroyed.  

Five Founding States

  Franklin Named after Benjamin Franklin. In 2313, Franklin is known for the quality of education system that includes three Universities, its production of written entertainment, and its scientific research output.   St Petersburg Named after St Petersburg in Florida, beating out New Tampa as the name for the state (the capital instead is called New Tampa). This state was founded by a large group of Floridian survivors. In 2313, the state is known for its sports prowess and food production, and is the biggest contributor to the UEA Military in both personel and arms.   Thames Named after the river that flew through surface London. Thames is known for its river New Thames, from which it generates power and harvests food.   New Maryland Names after the state of Maryland. In 2313 this New Maryland is known for its manufacturing plants and nuclear energy, as well as its variety of and prowess in sports.   Vergrot Named after Vermont, with mont (mountain) replaced with grot (for cave). Vergrot is known for entertainment production particularly in stage productions or television and film, and its food production from land - it is over called 'The Cornucopia of the American Enclave'.  

The Sixth and Seventh States

In 2133, Bradley Tesla, Grandson of General Tesla, brought together three territories in an application for the statehood of 'Freeland'. Tesla's intension was to create a new and powerful state of patriotic Patrician Party voters where the most hardcore of the party's policies could be demonstrated at a state leve. The application was denied by a congress with Liberal party majority. In order to appease the Liberal Party, the then President Autumn of the Patrician Party suggested the ratification of another state alongside the state proposed by Tesla, one that was more likely to vote Liberal. The Liberal Party were largely against the idea fearing that a Patrician Party stronghold which could demonstrate the party's ideals in action would cause the Liberal Party to lose any chance at another majority. However, enough members of the Liberal Party in the Senate and Congress were swayed, and the new states were ratified by a slim majority. Freeland became a new state alongside New Georgia, which was cobbled together from two territories neighbouring Thames that voted for Liberal governers.    Freeland elected in Bradley Tesla as its governore and a supermajoriy of Patrician State Senators (all seats were made up of the Patrician Party). The state quickly brought in laws that smashed through federal law, but Patrician Party politicians in the Federal Government were able to delay action by the Federal Government through political bureaucracy. Freeland essentially created a slave class, opened up the economy to monopolisation, and cut all funding to public services. The 'Freeland Experiement' as it later became known was a complete disaster. Slave rebellions, a suffering lower class, and monopolisation of key industries that destroyed the middle class turned Freeland into a dystopian place. Two years after its founding, the Federal Government was finally able to step in, and demanded major changes to laws to come in line with Federal Law under threat of imprisonment for sedition. Governer Tesla refused, and siting states rights seceded from the UEA and expected other states to join him. However, Patrician Party politicians outside of Freeland had long grown embarresed by Freeland and were concerned about the long term health of the party. They stopped their political embargoing, and allowed the Federal Government to step in. The UEA army invaded Freeland, but found Tesla and his government had already fled into exile. They had however rigged Freeland cities and factories to explode, making much of Freeland uninhabitable. Freeland was stripped of its statehood, and the land became a large uninhabited territory occupied only by scavengers.    New Georgia State had a much less eventful existance. The state struggled with bring the people in the new state together as one people; election turn out was low, and crucial government jobs could not be filled. When Freeland had its statehood stripped, the governer of New Georgia asked for his states statehood to be stripped aswell.  

Federal Districts

Federal Districts are lands that are directly administered by the Federal Government.   District of Partriots This is the district that Patriot City is in, and so is the capitol land of UEA.   District of Teslaburg In order to assure the American public that there would be no coup on the Congress of American Survivors, General Tesla went into self-appointed exile. He travelled the Underworld with a loyal enterage and rescued American Survivors that had not made it to the main survivor group. However, in year 2103, having seen how bad things were for the main American Survivors, General Tesla stopped taking other survivors to the main group. Instead, he settled on the edge of the Kindgom of Windor on lands granded to him by the Kingdom in return for training their new military. This city was at first called the City of the Free, however was renamed 'Teslaburg' after General Tesla died. Before his Death, General Tesla, now Mayor Tesla, reconnected with the newly formed UEA. He agreed for the City of the Free to become a Federal District, and retired in the city. On his death, he was given a Federal Funeral and buried in Teslaburg. He is considered a founding Elder by association, and remembered as a hero of the UEA.    The Disctrict of Teslaburg, although not bordering UEA, enjoys constant connection through the Undernet and a regular Airship connection. The city's bordering of the Kingdom of Windsor has allowed for close relationships between the Kingdom and the UEA, including trade agreements, joint military training, and education exchanges.    Military Districts 1 to 13 These top secret bases are occupied by the military, and involve training centres for special forces, and intelligence bases.   


The UEA has numerous territories that are not organised into States or Districts. These areas are largely uninhabited, and are run by appointed Territorial Governers.    Territory of Freeland - the land of the failed 'Freeland Experiment'. It is both radioactive and toxic, and so only occupied by scavengers.   Needles Territory - a floor that has successfully seen a full pine forest grown. It is a conservation area, with few visitors allowed, but is much disputed by politicians across the spectrum who see it as wasted space.   Territories 1 through 54 - unnamed territories, often small scraps of land with no significance or resources that have not yet been exploited. 


The lands that the United Enclave of America occupies was left largely unscathed by the events of The Great Seal, and so citizens of the country were able to make use of factories, transportation, and accomidation that was pre-built.    Each State has a degree of specialisation as a result of its georgraphy, the circumstances of pre-seal infrastructure, or the skills and knowhow of its founding peoples. Each state is reliant on the others for food, water, and power, however otherwise is relatively self-serving.    UEA benefits from an excellent transportation network. The country has been able to make use of tube trains for people and cargo transportation, and the working lift system. For out of country travel, the UEA maintains fleets of effective Airships both domestic and military.   The UEA has trading relationships with many Underworld Countries, chiefly the Kingdom of Windsor and the Underrail Republic. Its biggest exports are energy, arms, and airships, and its biggest imports are refined metals, agricultural vehicles, and pharmaceuticals.  

Culture and Society

United Enclave Americans are unified in the belief of an 'American Creed' - an almost religious belief in the concept of America including new manifest destiny (Enclave Americans were destined to occupy their area of the Underworld until they are rescued), reverance for people and writings of the state (such as the Founding Elders and the American Enclave Accords), and a belief that the USA is the greatest country on earth and will one day save them all and return them to a sacred land of luxury and peace.    As a society, the UEA is largley isolationist to other countries, cultures, and religions. Few are granted visa access to the States (exceptions are made for political, educational, or sports guests, or for cheap labourers). 


The UEA occupies ten floors and is 36.5 km at its widest extent. Half of the country is 'green space' (where plants can grow) and a quarter is occupied by water. The rest is made up of buildings or non-green ground.    The climate of the UEA has been set to match that of Washington D.C, with some differences in Vergrot to allow for maximum food growth. 


Kingdom of Windsor The UEA enjoys a close relationship with the Kingdom of Windsor and has trade agreements, joint military training, and education exchanges.   The Underrail Republic The UEA has a truce with the Underrail Republic after a small war known as the 'Underrail Tunnel Skirmishes'. Although there is a military presence from both sides on their one small shared border, a healthy trade route exists between the two countries.
Capital: Patriot City   Largest City: Colaville   Motto: "In salvation we trust"   Anthem: "The Star-Spangled Banner"   Religion:
  • 50% Christian (30% Protestant, 15% Catholic, 5% Other)
  • 30% No religion
  • 5% Church of the Great Engineer
Geopolitical, Country


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