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The ducal capital of the northeast of Rivell, Orslon is isolated and so purely supported by its duchy. This gives it a much lower noble population than other large cities. Originally just the ducal castle, the rich land of the duchy had King Mathis build a summer palace in 283 Blood on the edge of the lands. The increased population around the castle led to a small village forming between the two noble houses, formed primarily around a central raised market. As time went this grew into a large town, then a city by 141 Chroma. Orslon is only one of four cities east of the Rivell mountains and the only one in the north. In 195 Chroma the city came under threat from a Dragon, and so hired the hunter Grylls Bear to hunt down and kill it.  


Ducal castle

An ancient castle that dates back to ancient Draconia is a giant gothic castle that dominates the western side of the town and is built into the mountain. From various towers watchers overlook the pass, town, and planes. The castle acts as the place of defense and army garrison, the ducal court, and administration, as well as the home of the standing duke's family. The only access is via a long winding path up the mountainside, overlooked by towers connected to the main castle, with a retractable bridge over a ravine that stands just before the gate.  

Summer palace

The large decorative palace stands on the east side of the city. Highly decorative, the thinner walls barely seem to be able to hold a proper siege, and with only a token guard force the palace is far from well-defended. What it is, is a grand area for the royal family and a few guests to come and relax, celebrating with balls, hunts, and other activities. Though intrigue rarely happens due to the number of bards present, each family bringing their own, the jack of hearts made a name for himself by killing the entire guard of lord Bartholomew that was pushing for an arranged marriage with the princess, this led to a hunting accident due to not having protection against the more dangerous wild beasts.  

Raised market

Positioned exactly halfway between the castle and palace stands a raised marble platform that holds the market. though it started as various stalls it has developed into an outer square of shops and inns with a gap facing each cardinal direction for access, and stalls scatter the middle for more wares.  

Craftsman quarter

Around the market in a ring style is the craftsman quarter, which holds several shops and workshops that don't fit into the middle market. Houses for the owners of each shop reside above the workshop. Other houses for those who work in the area dot the area.  

Servent quarter

On the east side of the city between the craftsman and summer palace stands the servant housing. This holds the various workers, city guards, and servants that work in the city as a whole but more in the summer palace. A smaller market stands in the center of this section that purely serves the quarter with a temple to The Goddess at the end of the market.


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