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Sapphire Gate

The ancient ruins of Sapphire gate. This used to be a spiritual center of the draconic empire in ancient times. The city's layout is still easily visible with a small ornate stone dock, stairs leading up through the city, and ruins of a few stalls lying around the dock and up the stairs. Platforms spread out on the way up the stairs and go off into short streets show what used to be ornate and wealthy houses. At the top of these stairs stands the grand temple of Draco with several smaller temples around the edge.  

Sapphire prison

A small path from the dock leads to a fortress wall into the mountainside, This leads down into the prison that doubles as Girliorth's lair. Inside is cell lined corridors with magical enchantments, each cell either holds a person or an artifact. the walls are lined with elaborate weaponry and armor with sentinels positioned at every doorway. Lower down the passageways open up to large caverns that house a large spider population. Girliorth's sleeping area is in a cavern above the main gate with both a passage down into the prison and up out the mountainside.


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