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The Game

Also known as the great game, Rivellian politics, and life poker. The game is the 'rules' for the political and espionage games played by Rivellian nobles and bards.  

Whats in a card game

To help represent the various players and their allegiance every major player is associated with a playing card with factions being split between the four suits, Hearts always represent the royal family, while Clubs are their main rivals, The Purple knights and Iti are diamonds, and spades are normal a third faction, traditionally the north. Not all cards are used in the game continuously and sometimes even count as groups rather than one person. The Joker represents the Harlequin, the master of bards.   Informants often for the various factions often do card tricks, games, and shows on the streets, relaying information to others through patterns and plays.  

The rules

Each group of players follows a set of rules of things they can and cannot do, or at least get caught. This reflects their station and perceived honor. Note that if a claimant tries to push their claim through war the rules of the game are dropped. Breaking these rules leave a person and their family vulnerable to punishment, especially if it results in a noble's death. The most important rule and one all must follow being
  • Don't cause a scandal, unless it's on a rival.

Code of nobility

The code of nobility or knights code is the set of rules knights should follow while playing the game. As they are expected to be the 'best' of Rivell and more honorable than anyone, they have the most stringent rules. Note that all purple knights regardless of gender follow these rules. These are also the only set of rules that must be followed even in war
  • They must not attack any lady, child, or one below their station except in defense
  • They can only engage another knight in duels of honor or battle, this can be in defense of a lady.
  • They may only use equal force as presented to them
  • Be brave in the face of the enemy
The purple knights also are expected to follow their oath.  

Bardic rules

Bards of Rivell are governed by the Harlequin and the Joker's inn. Rules for these are split between the Joker's rules, which are enforced by the Harlequin and can result in fines, demotion, expulsion, or excamunicartum (where they're hunted and killed), and the noble rules that follow similar penalties as the code of nobility. All rules must be followed, with the exception of when a noble's rule contradicts the Joker's.

Joker's rules

  • Do not betray the organization
  • Do not reveal the location of the Joker's inn
  • Only kill another member with expression permission from Harlequin
  • Server the organization first, your noble second, and yourself last.

Noble's rules

  • You are paid for your silence, keep the secrets of a noble who paid you
  • Do not kill anyone of noble birth (their parents had a title or a knight)
  • Do not sleep with nobility for you are beneath them
  • Do not cause a lady a scandal.
  • Killing bodyguards, advisors, and hangers-on is allowed so long as they are not of a noble house themselves.

Informant rules

The bardic informants, though not recognized as part of the game has rules to keep themselves safe.
  • Keep your identity hidden
  • Only reveal yourself to bards using cards
  • If in danger, run to a safe house


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