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Treskriri Sulta (Tres-cre-ri Sul-ta)

Known as the gateway to the west, Treskriri is the most westerly coastal city of Undinia. The ancient Draconic city is known for its exotic goods as well as for being the world leader in technology. Above the city floats a small upper city disc, surrounded by smaller discs. Though the city has officially changed hands to whoever is the most dominant force in the region, it has never actually done more than a display of subservience to any power.  

City planning

The city is separated into seven districts, each with its own hierarchy and way of doing things. It is the job of each district to ensure law enforcement, accessible amenities, and taxes for its own district. These are then governed by the Draconic lord, paying taxes to the governance district.  

Governance district

The main floating disc holds the central governmental infrastructure of the city. The center is dominated by a large spire, where the Draconic Lord's family, The Viotto, rulers of the city since before the slave revolts. At the bottom of this tower stands the administrative halls, that serve to run the city. Other key buildings litter the platform, including the Aven military barracks, serving as police for both this and the noble districts. The Treskriri academy, and the temple of Sardia. The district also houses various administrators, while the entire Aven military is housed in its barracks.  

The noble platforms

The remainder of the platforms is filled with estates, bath houses, libraries, and entertainment facilities. The city's Draconic descended elite live here. While many people count this as the same district, the charter reveals it is, in fact, its own district with its own governing body, namely the city council which helps advise on the majority of the city-wide policy.  


The final district with no part of it on the land, the docks is a large stone structure built into the sea, with walls and sea defenses to protect it from the elements. Atop this structure stands warehouses, bunkhouses, inns, various dock equipment, and a shipyard. Governed by the dock master, normally an old sea captain. Most tax comes from trade, while law enforcement tends to be the ship crews and dock workers. This is the second wealthiest district as a whole, though it may not look like it.  

Worker district

The largest district houses the majority of the populace of the city. Itself split into neighborhoods, each providing the amenities for that area. Some of the richer neighborhoods rival the lifestyles of the nobles, while the poorer barely surpass the slums. Each neighborhood is ruled by a council that oversees the area and represents it on a larger district council in accordance with how much it puts back into the district, this means the wealthier areas have more say than the poorer. They used to share the town guard with the foreign district but are increasingly moving to the more professional police of the industrial area.  


A newer district houses several production workshops owned by various, businessmen, and nobles. While all the workers come from the Worker district, territory squabbles aren't allowed. Proper law enforcement is hired and paid for by every business within the district. During the Fey age, this police force started expanding into the worker district.  

The foreign district

Filled with entertainment facilities, inns, and trade houses. This is where the majority of those from out of the city stay. Once again a town guard is paid from the taxes of the area. While most of the older residents in the area live above their places of work, a few come from the worker's district. Though once very wealthy and opulent, the rising of rival cities around the silent lake area has diminished it slightly.  


A large mostly lawless area outside the city. Though cleared back by the Aven military regularly, they only really make sure the trade routes stay clear. Split up into moving territories ruled by 'families', they have no official power, and most areas are run with local 'neighborhood' watches, and community centers, such as pubs.


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