Kitchen Building / Landmark in Uneventful | World Anvil
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Purpose / Function

This room was always part of the building, but only recently it became a safe area for a cook to work in the preparation of healthy meals for the students and part of the school's staff.


Technically, only Federico works here. The noise seems to indicate that there is way more people inside when it's time to serve a meal, but must be a perfectly reasonable explanation for that.


Unknown.   Student's don't play their games in the kitchen. In general, they don't enter at all. Unlike other rooms in the building, this is not a restricted zone. Quite the opposite: it's officially clasified as a common area because, in the past, everyone would cook for themselves. When the cook took over this space, rules weren't changed on paper and neither the principal nor the cook announced that it was forbidden for students to come in.   But everyone knew.   There was no prohibition, no dare to enter. The cook would even smile and assure that he had set no traps, he only wanted to cook for everyone and it would help him a lot if nobody poisoned the food or the tools he used. He made it sound like they were making him a favor for which he was thankful, and he seemed almost earnest when he said that he didn't mean to put rules, that he was too old fashioned for that.   Everyone would smile back and pretend that they just cooperate because it was cool to have a safe source of food in an otherwise tricky environment, but the truth was that they all knew that it wasn't safe to disrupt this guy's dream job.

Connected rooms

  • Cold Storage
  • Hallway leading to Cafeteria
  • Owner

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