
Arioch-Oyadae is a technology corporation that works closely with the Aeon Throne of the Azlanti Star Empire. It has cornered the market in the Star Empire for colonisation equipment and services, and produces many starships through its subsidiary Vanguard Craftworks.[


Arioch-Oyadae maintains its own private security force, independent of the Aeon Guard, which serves as an outlet for those ruled too brutal and unruly for the Aeon Guard; both groups are equally likely to be encountered by enemies of the Star Empire on planets they claim. If the enemy is particularly effective, they are abducted by corporate security for experimentation, and either indoctrinated into its ranks or sold to the government.



Though technically a private corporation, Arioch-Oyadae works closely with the Aeon Throne, and few company policies are implemented without the Star Imperators' knowledge.


Arioch-Oyadae primarily operates out of Prevail, in the Disaj system.


The company was named after its co-founders Tyrifor Arioch, who managed the business and served as the public face, and Secondine Oyadae, who headed the research and development. According to the company's official history, the two grew up together and were close friends, but also rivals, jockeying for control over the company and favour with the Aeon Throne. This culminated when Arioch tried to sabotage one of Oyadae's prototypes but was caught, causing an explosion that killed both alongside hundreds of non-Azlanti workers, though several vice presidents stepped up and took control before the company could collapse. On the anniversary of this event, the company observes ten minutes of silence and work stoppage, but little is spoken of the others' deaths.
Type Massive faith-based corporation
Leader CEO and Executive Archdirector Gevrant Iseki-Okaibo
Headquarters Golden Vault, Absalom Station
Goals Spreading civilization
Fostering free trade
Accumulating profit
Scope Pact Worlds system
Structure Corporation
Corporation, Manufacturing


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