Session 004: Serenity Report

General Summary

Midnight Squad had blasted off of Suskillon with three alien starships in pursuit. The same kind of swarm starship that melted the driver of the vehicle, requiring Fumbles to take over.

Midnight Squad ran to the bridge, except for Kosh who went to the side airlock & jumped out of the Serenity.  
Kosh starship form

They were able to defeat the three starships without getting hit once.  Fumbles set course for Utraneus.

After combat they checked up on the ship. Rivet, Xelonan, & Negaflare made a meal for the crew. Rivet added protein, Xelonan added flavour.  They came on a couple of radioactive oozes in the cargo bay.  Crasian, Ahnje, & Kosh developed radiation poisoning.   Xelonan offered to help them with their condition.  Zantos was outraged that they didn't clear the ship out before they took off from Suskillon.  Fumbles noticed that the ship was drifting off course, & went to his post.  He set a new course to Utraneus, & remained at the pilot's seat until

Negaflare ensured that everyone was able to speak to him, especially those with telepathy.  

Three days in they discovered three gremlins in the engineering room, & dispatched them.

A day before they reached their destination Zanatos attempted a mutiny.  Negaflare was able to persuade the refuges to select a spokeperson from their number, they selected Xelonan.  Zantos went to his quarters in defeat.
Midnight Squad left Zantos with the authorities on Spaceport Oddrock, & went down to the planet to meet up with Commander Hadiya Najiri.
After arriving on Utraneus, Commander Najiri gave them each a medallion of courage, the rank of lieutenant, & 2,000 credits each for gear. She gave them 4,000 credits to upgrade the gear of their new members, & two hours to shop. She suggested speaking to Quartermaster Janxer, who has been given a space to work.
Attack of the Swarm & The Devastation Ark
Fumbles <None given>
Ahnje L'Treaux
154 / 154
80 / 80
11 / 11

Remu Skiehopper
11 / 11
18 / 18
5 / 5

Kosh Theronidas
11 / 11
11 / 11
5 / 5

Report Date
06 Mar 2022
Secondary Location


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