Water Nymph Species in untitled | World Anvil
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Water Nymph

Folklore mythology

Basic Information


The anatomy of the Nymph is that you will grown fin like skin on your body on your arms, fingers and toes and also gills sticking out on their necks.   The anatomy of the Nymphs are different from humans as they have multiple hearts and brains. The two smaller hearts give blood to the gills. The two ewxtra brains are for the magical abilities that they get.   Nymphs also have blue blood with hemocyyain instean of the iron hemoglobin that are in humans.

Biological Traits

Nymphs are female spirits that look like humans.

Genetics and Reproduction

The Nymphs are born sterile and the female nymphs must reproduce with other males to keep the species alive and not to go instinct.

Growth Rate & Stages

They age mostly based on their mental age and ability. There is no telling how long it can take. Puberty for males and females start at the age of 11-13 years old. The longest for a nymph to hit puberty is 15 to 20 yeards old. The puberty ends at 15-20 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Nymphs usually lives in groups.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The nymphs regularly eat tadpolesm insects, snails and smaLL fish and lso plants like seaweed.


The water nymphs are loyal to the people that they love and are protective. They will watch each others back and protect each other.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

The characteristics of a Nymph is that they have pointed ears and gills on their faces and legs and arms.

Average Intelligence

The Nympha naturally have the powers of telepaths and telempaths.They are basically immune to mental attacks. They are also good with charm.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The ability of healing. They can heal the sick and the broken. the other cabability is that the nymphs can bring life to the gardens.
200-300 years
Average Height
This species is a short species as they only grow to be 5'6"-6'2" Average
Average Weight
The average weight is 130-180 pounds.
Average Length
The size of the nymph is medium.
Geographic Distribution
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