Artemis Expeditor

The Artemis Expeditor is the ship being sent to Artemis.

Purpose / Function

The Artemis Expeditor is the Multilateral Base Control vessel used to transport the human colony to Artemis.


The ship is equipped with a state-of-the-art emergency broadcast system, with speakers all over the ship and a transmitting console located at the helm of the ship. This system is to integrate with the Multilateral Base Control's plans of having a global emergency broadcast system, following the Artemis Radio Regulations.


Nova Dynamics is the provider behind the advanced anti-matter propulsion systems that will get the colony's ship to travel the vast distance to Artemis.


The ship has a Zen Garden which is denominated by the colonists as the First World Wonder of Artemis.

Founding Date
Vehicle, Spaceship
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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