Multilateral Base Control

The Multilateral Base Control (MBC) oversees and administers the colony. While the MBC’s officials work directly within the colony, the Governor-General, their leader, is appointed and can be dismissed by a council comprised of senior representatives from various Earth-based governments and mega-corporations.


  • Governor-General: The highest-ranking official in the MBC, responsible for the overall leadership and strategic direction of the colony. They hold the authority to appoint and revoke Chief leaderships, and are usually appointed after lengthy service in one of the Chiefdoms or as Deputy Governor.
  • Deputy Governor: Assists the Governor-General and oversees specific departments within the MBC. This position can be empty at the decision of the Governor-General.
  • Council Members: Representatives from each member government and corporation, they do not reside in the colony and instead communicate with the Governor-General and other bureaus to make sure the colony responds to the interests of their own lobbies. They have the power to appoint and revoke the Governor-General. Since the governments and mega-corporations of the Sol System directly fund the MBC, the Governor-General should keep them appeased.
  • Chiefs: These are leaders who are appointed by the Governor-General to have power over the direction of specific areas of the colony.
  • Chief Engineer: Responsible for approving and coordinating all construction, maintenance and infrastructure projects.
  • Chief Security: Tasked with coordinating the law enforcement and security of the faction, they have the ability to grant use of deadly force rights and the revoking of rights in case the law is broken. They respond to the Council on every instance of doing so.

Public Agenda

Mission: To ensure the sustainable growth and development of the colony through effective governance, technological innovation, and strategic partnerships with Earth-based entities.

Vision: To create a thriving, self-sustaining colony that serves as a beacon of human ingenuity and collaboration in the cosmos.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Governance and Administration: Overseeing the development of the colony, the development of its legislative and regulatory framework while ensuring compliance with interstellar laws and agreements.
  2. Infrastructure and Maintenance: Managing the maintenance and expansion of the colony’s infrastructure, including habitats, research facilities, and public amenities.
  3. Security and Defense: Ensuring the safety and security of the colony’s inhabitants through advanced surveillance systems and a dedicated security force.
  4. Economic Development: Fostering economic growth by attracting investment, supporting local enterprises, and managing trade relations with Earth.
  5. Environmental Management: Ensuring the sustainable use of the planet’s resources and minimizing the colony’s environmental footprint.
  6. Public Services: Providing essential services such as healthcare, education, and waste management to ensure a high quality of life for all residents.


The Multilateral Base Control (MBC), responsible for the governance of the colony, boasts several multi-use holdings within the colony. These areas are marked with a specific color scheme for easy identification: green lines on the walls represent public areas, yellow for MBC employees, and red for areas reserved for colony leadership.

The Administrative Complex serves as the central hub of the colony’s leadership and its public services, housing offices for the Governor-General, Deputy Governor, and administrative staff. This facility is an engineering marvel, efficiently utilizing space to serve both the MBC and the general public.

  • Multi-Purpose Rooms: Two rooms that can function as meeting rooms, conference halls, and council chambers.
  • Secure Communication Facilities: Advanced communication systems for secure and reliable connections with the Sol system.
  • Shared Workspaces: Flexible work areas for administrative staff and government aides.
  • Offices: Offices equipped with sleeping quarters for use during crises or extended work periods, for the Governor-General, Deputy Governor and administrative staff.
  • Classroom: A versatile space that can be repurposed for community meetings or events.
  • Public Digital Library: Located near the entrance, accessible to all colonists.
  • Multi-Use Research and Medical Room: Available for various research and medical needs.
  • Monitoring & Surveillance Room: Equipped with top-of-the-line equipment for colony security.
  • Armory: Kept tightly locked away, this room has several weapons provided by the Sol system in case that the government is in need of defending its sovereignty.
  • Zen Garden: A small garden featuring species from around the world, considered the first world wonder on the new planet.
  • Gym: Equipped with a boxing ring, available for public use.
  • Docking Port: The colony’s initial space-port, capable of accommodating small modules.

The MBC has also begun work in 2169 on the capital of Artemis, located at Callysto Crater.

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Notable Members


Stroitel Ventures and the Multilateral Base Control have embarked on the colonization of Artemis. Stroitel Ventures has sent envoys to the Artemis Expeditor to reach Artemis and support construction efforts.


CyGene Rapid Response Medical is the official medical care provider of the Artemis Expeditor.

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