It came from Thüringer Wald Military Conflict in Unveiled | World Anvil

It came from Thüringer Wald

The first "monster attack" in Europe after the implementation of the special forces known as Wildhunters.
A huge being, best described as a plant giant, bursted from the tree line of Thüringer Forest in Germany. In a fit of rage he began rampaging the town at which he emerged, picking up and throwing cars, kicking in buildings, everything he touched became overtaken with lush plant life.
The Wildhunter Special Forces were immediately flown in from their nearest HQ, arriving within an hour of the sounding of the alarm, and after a tough battle, found a way to fell the beast.

The Conflict


After several small scale attacks on the population by viscious beasts and what can best be described as "monsters" from Otherworld, across the globe, many countries have found a need for a specialized military unit, trained for the unique purpose of taking care of these threats.
Earlier incidents have ended in either the monster returning to Otherworld, help from brave local Àlf or Vettir warriors, or the military being brought in, but neither of these have been deemed reliable solutions, in the long run.


A team of eight Wildhunters were flown in from their closest base of operation to deal with the threat.


Inside a larger town bordering to Thüringer Forest in Germany. The fighting happening in the streets, being more overtaken with plant life with every contact made by the creature. Upon the end of the battle, most surfaces in the vicinity covered in thick mossy patches.

The Engagement

Upon landing they engaged in combat instantly, shooting at the massive creature at limited effect.
The breakthough came when one brave Wildhunter managed to secure an explosive charge on the heel of the beast, and blow of its foot, whereafter the team manage to overpower the beast with their axes.


The mission was deemed a success, and the popularity of the Wildhunters benefitted from it.

Historical Significance


A historical and well documented moment, this battle will be remembered by many, and seen as a success story of the human ability to deal with incredible threats.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type


The Wildhunters
The Moss Troll


Eight well trained soldiers
One huge creature of immense strength and durability


None though there were some close calls
One huge creature of immense strength and durability


To fell the beast
Unknown, but he seemed agitated beyond measure

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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