The Fey and the Fomori

Some of our oldest legends tell of tribes of monsters driven away by heroes and mighty men. This eternal war is very real, and while humanity is now familiar with one of the sides - the Fae - the Fomori remains unknown - hidden and obscure.
Otherworld is a very untamed world, and while High Fae have several strongholds and cities in Otherworld, they are far from connected as the wild between these places is confusing and everchanging, driven by living magic, and holds all manner of beasts lurking or prowling at every cornor of the thick forests and fogs covering most of Otherworld.
Some surmise that Fomori are actually native to Our World, but was driven to Otherworld as the High Fae drove them away to gain a foothold here. One story talks of the Fomori inhabiting Ireland until the beautiful Tuatha Dé Danann arrived and became the "first settlers" of the land.
Many old tales tell of Gods and heroes fighting more unnatural beasts and monsters - The Asir fighting Jotunn, or the Greek gods fighting Titans, and some are trying to connect the dots, wondering whether Fomori, Jotunn and Titans are the same, but the fae that have encountered more of these insist, that they are not. The Jotunn and Titans *can* appear more monstrous, but they are still creatures of society, while the Fomori are little more than vicious beasts.

Historical Significance

While some old legends hints of battles and skirmishes in our world, the real war has been waged within Otherworld, where High Fae fortresses have been under near-constant attacks and retaliation has been swift and often carried out, but the threat of the Fomori never seem to go away.


The Irish legend tells of the arrival of the strong and beautiful Tuatha Dé Danann, who arrived in Ireland and drove the monstrous Fomori away
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Before recorded history
Ending Date
Possibly still going on





Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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