The Hidden Peoples Protection Act Document in Unveiled | World Anvil

The Hidden Peoples Protection Act

The Hidden Peoples Protection Act (HPPA) is the first legal attempt to make sure Vettés, Àlfs and Fey Folk are internationally protected as species of our world, deserving of rights, until the actual treaty, dubbed The Otherworld Accords, can be defined.


The reveal of The Hidden People among us have brought new inhabitants of our world into the light, and a need to protect these people has brought about the need for legislation on the matter.
The hope for this document is to protect innocent sapient species from persecution and prosecution, while the world can figure out where to place these people legally (and physically).

Document Structure

Publication Status

The document is publicly accessible

Legal status

The HPPA are presented by the United Nations, and every State is expected to honor the accords.

Historical Details


Since The Unravelling, states have battled with the sudden appearance of many supernatural minorities, and some places it has quickly turned ugly, prompting for the more accepting states to interveine, advocating causious acceptance before mass deportations, allocation camps or lynching.

Public Reaction

The reaction to the HPPA has varied widely, with most of Europe and some asian countries agree to the sentiment, many countries are not supportive, and even in accepting countries, a considerable part of the public have been voicing their grievances.
In general, people at best show hesitant tolerance towards some type of Fey and at worst a want to eradicate others completely.


It is generally believed that the HPPA has saved the lives of thousands of Alfs, Fey and Changelings.
Treaty, Diplomatic

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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