The Centrepiece Building / Landmark in Uplink | World Anvil
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The Centrepiece

The first thing I noticed is that it's taller than the rest of central Elysium. Whilst the outer part of the capital has some high-rises, for at least a radius of a mile, there's nothing taller than the building in front of me. A rocket, from appearance, the KBSA logo scratched and worn off through centuries of sand storms, with walkways and platforms and rooms extending from it, like tendrils across the orange Martian sky.
    The Centrepiece is a giant tower in the Capital of Elyssium, built from the remains of the spaceship that took the colonists there. The building has been used for many purposes since then, such as housing, a town hall, government, and a mall.

Purpose / Function

The original purpose of the building that became The Centrepiece was a transit ship taking early colonists to Mars. For about five years, the Centrepiece was the only ship in the area local to Elysium. Sent over as one-journey ship, commonly called a 'trip ship', after it landed, the terraformers decided to build around the ship, turning it into a functional building.   Throughout its lifetime it's had many alterations and purposes, starting as a housing centre, and becoming a town hall after 10 years, before returning to housing about 25 years later, as the population expanded. The building then became a government house for a couple of years, before becoming a public space. Recently, it's been used as a shopping centre, although housing and restaurants are also available, mostly in the parts built onto the building.


Entrance and exitways have been added, to improve access. Lifts and stairs have been added, as gravity needs to be accounted for. Walkways and buildings have been built out the sides of the Centrepiece.


The main body of the building is a vertically standing M-class KBSA rocket, whilst the external alterations are more modern, as is the modified interior.
Founding Date
Arcology / Residential Complex
Owning Organization

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