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Delus "Del" Demarco

Delus "Del" Demarco (a.k.a. The Rouge Priest)

Del was on the fast pass to becoming a preist for the Imperial Throne, this plan, however, was thrown into chaos when Del spoke out during mass, confronting the snooty preist on his xenophobic attacks on immigants and "Impure Imperials" Whatever that means. Del launched into a half an hour debate/diatribe against the preist, chruch and even throne itself. He was subsiquently thrown out of the church and hunted for many of the beliefs he exposed during the outburst. Del ran from the Faindwyn-Ishtar arriving in Cinderholm where he picked up a recruitment flier for the exploration of te Arydnfell Hinterlands.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Skinny, he keeps himself in good shape using calisthenics which he practices religiously every morning as part of his morning prayer

Facial Features

He bears a scar across his eyebrow from when he was "Scolded" by one of his teachers in the Preisthood

Physical quirks

He has numerous freckles ringing his collar bone.

Special abilities

Magic seems to fail when cast near him. When it does Del's eyes seem to glow green.

Apparel & Accessories

Del wears a jacket given to him by the monsenior when he left for Faindwyn-Ishtar.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Delus Demarco was born to Calpernia Demarco and her husband Sirus Demarco. Sirus and Calpernia had met when Sirus moved from the big city of Helena to the sleepy town of Manenderry. Calpernia would give birth to three sons and three daughters, though the oldest son Prosper, died when Del was just an infant. As such Del grew up the oldest of five. When he was very little Del would often get lost for hours wandering the woods outside and would very nearly need to be dragged back inside kicking and screaming. When Del was thirteen his life would change drastically as his father was drafted to fight in the war of the Shaken Branches and never returned. Del often wondered if his father was really dead or had just chosen to run away. This would cause Del to act up getting in more and more trouble up until the day Del was caught sneaking into the church at night to flinch some books for later consuption. However, instead of berating the young man the kindly old priest that caught Del took him in under his wing, guiding him in his spiritual practice. Del would come to know this man as Monsenior Morales and would come to think of him as a father figure. When Del was 23, Senior Morales, having taught Del all he could, sent him off to study in the Holy city of Faindwyn-Ishtar to undergo the grueling process of becoming a priest for the Imperial Throne. Arriving in the city was startiling for the young Del, he had never seen such buildings or crowds before in his life. The city seemed to call to Del and Del happily answered. He found a space for himself in the one of the local pubs near the temple district, the half flagon, and could be seen frequenting the location near every night after mass with his roommate Talis. It was in the corner of that leaky pub that Talis and Del talked and theorized about theology until there was pink in the sky. Things began to change in the Preisthood before Del's eyes. First the Bishop(?) in charge of the Initiates was recalled and a newer, more zealotus one named Cassius replaced him. Teaching, what Del would call, a nationalist education, it cemented the Imperial Throne in the hearts of many of Del's fellow initiates in ways that Del saw as corrupt. The doctrine of the church was being used to exclude and hurt those of alien origin. Instead of being trailblazers, the rising tide to lift all boats, this new doctrine was focusing on explioting those Del sought to protect and thus he organized a protest. Standing up during mass, in front of almost the entire city, Del proclaimed what Cassius was teaching was herasy, and that if this is what the Imperial throne truly stood for, he would have none of it. He then left, taking with him a small, but loyal, following and storming out of the church. He would then be pursued, out of the city and across the empire. It was in Cinderholm that Del encountered the flyer that would shape the next few years for better or for worse. Del and his co-conspirator Pontius had been on the run for days bearly managing to stay ahead of their pursuers. They made it to Cinderholm having taken game trails through the gnarled Dragonwood, it added a few days to their trip but ensured that they remained out of sight until they could make it into town. When they arrived in the town they discovered that they were already wanted men with posters hung on several notice boards around the city. On those same notice boards Del and Pontius found the flyer for the Knights Cardinal. The two tried to keep a low profile finding passage aboard the Regus, a ship set to sail tomorrow at dawn. The two men found an inn and hunkered down for the night, only to be awoken at midnight by the sound of boots. The men sent by the Imperial Throne, the churches trackers, had found them. Del and Cassius escaped through an open skylight and fled atop the roofs with their pursuers hot on their trail. They ran from the agents for most of the night and into the morn. Trying to make their way over to the Regus They found that the docks were being watched and Pontius gaves his life as a distraction, despote Del's protests. Del boarded the Regus and escaped.

Gender Identity





Was taught in the holy city of Faindwyn-Ishtar and was schooled there for five years from ages 23-28


The Priesthood of the Imperial throne

Failures & Embarrassments

Shortly after Cassius took over, Del found himself swept up in the nationalist rhetoric, until, on a visit home from Faindwyn-Ishtar, he had an argument with the Monsenior who was able to get through to Del. After the holiday and the time spent away from Faindwyn-Ishtar Del began to re-examine his veiws and began noticing the conspiratorial nature of the rhetoric being pushed.

Mental Trauma

His father leaving to fight and never coming home.

Intellectual Characteristics

Del likes to argue but isnt always the best at it, often coming off as too frank or cold hearted. Del just has little patience for people with whom he disagrees and often rushes to prove a point earning him more enemies than allies. Still he usually comes off as approachable if given no reason to be defensive

Morality & Philosophy

Refuses to worship gods that he belives to not be worthy of worship. He Belives that it is humans moral imperitive to be frugal with their belief as this has given rise to "Unworthy gods and systems of worship"

Personality Characteristics


To provide for his impoverished family, left peniless after his father left to fight and die in the war of the trembling branches. To escape the Imperial Forces that dog me

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Multiple hobbies and talents, though a master of none (yet)

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: His Family, Homemade cooking, the power of beleif Dislikes: Apathy, Horseback riding, self harm, gambling, Sour foods

Vices & Personality flaws

Often too direct, can't help speaking out to what he precives to be injustice. Can't help but explore and investigate.


The time he spent in Faindwyn-Ishtar refined his otherwise more rural sense of hygiene. However Del is not one to shy from getting dirty and often will be the first to make a mess.


Contacts & Relations

Monsenior Morales- Del looks to the Senior as a father figure, he was there for Del when his father left, never to return. He taught Del the basics of his spirituality and while Del and him often differed in opinion and even would bicker, it was all good fun and no harm was ever done. He is whom would instill in Del a tendency to speak truth to power. Talis Merryrand- A halfling female who also was seeking to join the preisthood. She was an orphan from the war of the shaken branches, which instantly endeared her to Del who could very much relate. She along with Del planned his outburst at the church, and she alongside him was thrown out of the preisthood. Talis and Del split up in order to divide their pursuers. The last time he saw her was just outside of Parisia. Pontius Peaz- One of the four friends that worked with Del, while not at the head of the movment was an excellent right hand man. He traveled with Del as far as Cinderholm but they were almost caught Pontius sacrificed himself to ensure that Del escaped. Lia Cruz- The last of the conspirators who worked with Del to stand against Cassius. She worked to ensure that the temple guard didn't throw them out while Del spoke. She left with Talis. Janus Gomez- The husband to Del's sister. He works as a local judge for the Empire. As such he is a well educated man, which is what drew Stella to him in the first place. He is a stickler for the rules which does not endear him to Del.

Family Ties

Del's family is small, six members total; Del, his mother, his three sisters and his younger brother. Del was 13 when his father left and never returned, a casualty in the war of the shaken branches. Calpernia Demarco- Del's mother. A strong woman who managed to care for her family even after her husband left to fight. She is a very strict woman with a heart of gold, who makes quick use of a switch but will always patch you up after. (What? Its not like this wasnt extreamly common up until and continuing through the 1900s) She is haunted by the loss of her first child, Del's older brother, Prosper, when he was very young. Del does not remeber him but has heard stories about the two of them as babies from his mother. Stella Demarco- The oldest of the Demarco sisters. She was 10 when their father left for war, and in the time between has matured into quite the maternal figure. When looking to avoid trouble Del would often go to Stella for advice, as she was the most sagely of the family. Now as a 25 year old woman Stella has found herself a husband in a man named Janus Gomez a local judge. While Del is not fond of Janus due to his imperious nature, he does have to admit that Janus compliments Stella quite well. Florance Demarco- The middle of the Demarco sisters. She was 7 when their father left and has manifested this trauma much like Del did, in rebellion. She is never one to backdown from a fight and would often try to wrestle or box with any of her siblings. Now at 22, Florance is beginning to exhibit some martial tendencies. She is considering joining the guard or perhaps following in Del's footsteps to become an adventurer. Emna Demarco- The youngest of the Demarco sisters. She was only 3 when their father left. Del dotes on her and often has to step in to protect her from Florance who takes their roughousing a little too far. She is a romantic and an artist and wishes to see the world, if only to paint more and more fantastical pieces. Now an 18 year old woman Emna wants to see outside her village, she longs to move to the city her brother spoke so fondly of, Faindwyn-Ishtar. However her duties to her family keep her from leaving. Octavian Demarco- The youngest of all the Demarcos. Calpernia was still pregnant with Octavian when Del's father left.Octavian has always felt a bit left out from the rest of his family because he has no connection with his dad, and it triggers him easily. Now a 15 year old kid has develped a bit of abandonment issues and an inferiority complex that often pushes him towards violence. He is an honest kid but should anyone bad mouth his family or his father, or mention the absense of his father, he will grow violent.

Religious Views

Del belives that Humans were the creation of Raq themselves to finally bring peace to the chaos. He belives that this order that man was meant to bring has been corrupted by the rigid and limited thinking of its instatutions. Del wonders if humans are Raq's last creation or if something is coming after all this to return all to Raq's final embrace.

Social Aptitude

Del comes off as personable but will express himself very directly should something provoke his ire. This has earned him as many enemies as allies.


Will often offer up a prayer in conversation when distressed.

Hobbies & Pets

Del goes through hoobies like food. Hes tried his hand at almost everything, only keeping that in which he excels. His latest obesssion is knot tying, but before that it was kite making, he's also tried his hand at scultpure, singing, ballroom dancing, cooking, tumbling and dueling. Most of these last about three to five months before Del get bored and moves on.


Speaks with an adopted Faindwyn-Ishtar accent, though his more rural accecnt will come out when he is talking to family.

Wealth & Financial state

Del grew up impovrished, and after his father left and never returned, Del and his family were less then poor. Del made a habit of breaking into the church to read the books held within half to learn, half to deal with the trauma of losing his father. On one of these outings Del was caught by a kindly preist, Senior Morales, who tutored Del and, when he was ready, sponsored Del to go to the capital to study to become a Priest himself.

Del was a preist before the corruption of the church drove him from its arms and into the life of adventure

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Rouge Priest
Manenderry, A town outside Hellena
Brown, with a bit of green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Trade Cant,

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Dear Emna

Dear Emna, I hope this finds you well, sorry for the mess I left. I hope you and the rest of the girls are doing ok. I'm writing to you first since I knew you'd take it the hardest if I didn't, don't tell the others, I'll be writing to them before long too. As I am writing this I am in the hold of the "Regus," a shoddy little ship, quite the very opposite of its name. I've been traveling overseas for near a week now, thankfully I've gained my sea legs, and I've already learned so much. Near a quarter of the crew hails from Hammundur, they apparently headed south because of some Psionic trouble to the north, interesting! The Kalen fish is a delicacy which one must grow accustomed to, the odd rough texture of its meat reminds me of fowl rather than fish, and that's the least of it. I've seen this fish fly along the surface of the water like an arrow, they followed our ship as it passed Jigsaw reef, and I watched in amazement as the fish drew up alongside the ship nearly overcoming it. It was as though we were sailing through a rainstorm of fish. And the smell! Oh the smell, it was as if the ocean itself grew sick and emptied its very bowls onto the deck of the ship. I was also shown several types of sailor's knots and have been practicing them as I while away the hours. I've been learning anything I can about this strange land to which I travel. Where we go I cannot say, as I wish to keep you safe, and I have no guarantee this will make it to you, and not those that hunt me, but needless to say it is a place of fortune! I'm going to continue to provide for you, and the rest of the family so both you and Mother can relax. I'd never just abandon you. Up above I can hear the sounds of the crew, the lookout calling from the crows nest "Land Ho!" and it seems I have finally arrived. I will write to you again as soon as I am able. Let Mother, Stella, Florence and Octavian know I love them. I love you little one. Del


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