Dis Geographic Location in Ur'Den | World Anvil
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Dis is the large gas giant that orbits Sol and is, in turn orbited by Ur orbits in an elliptical, off axis loop. Dis is a deep purple hue, with bright silver rings, taking up roughly a third of the night sky over Ur, and is even faintly visible during the day. Several other moons orbit the giant but little is known of them. It takes roughly 28 days for Ur to complete a rotation of Dis, during the last week of which, the planet will obscure the sun for long periods of time. This time is called The Shade.

There are a number of beliefs that surround the celestial object, though almost nothing is truly known about it. Most of the denizens of Ur'En believe Dis to be orbiting Ur, and is therefore its moon. Many cultures hold Dis in special reverence, particularly the Disken who derive their name from it. It is said to be everything from a god to a magical kingdom or even a portal to another dimension. Soothsayers and oracles are  even said to divine the future in the patterns of the rings and the motions of its orbit.

There are occasionally stories of both visitations from, and to Dis. While no credible witnesses have ever been recorded, the stories often work their way into legend and myth.


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