Windsnake Species in Ur'Den | World Anvil
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The Windsnake is a species of small migratory reptiles common throughout Ur'En. They are legless, with long lithe bodies and a pair of feathery wings.

Basic Information


Windsnakes are serpentine, possessing of a spine with many vertebrae. They posses two feathered wings about halfway down their bodies. They range in size from one to twelve hands in length. They are often brightly colored, making their feathers highly prized decorations. Some are quite venomous.

Ecology and Habitats

Windsnakes are found throughout Ur'En. Most are migratory, heading south during the summer and north for the winter. They are comfortable in a range of temperatures and habitats. They avoid colder regions like the Azure Fields, but have been seen as far south as Autumal Isle.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Windsnakes are obligate carnivores, feeding on insects, rodents and other small prey. Windsnakes will migrate after they clear an area of easy food.

Biological Cycle

Windsnakes lay several dozen eggs in a single clutch. Each windsnake will hatch able to take flight and will fend for themselves from birth. Windsnakes take several months to mature, at which point, they will find a potential partner through elaborate mating rituals and continue the cycle.

Additional Information


Windsnakes are occasionally used as pets. Due to their low intelligence, they cannot be easily trained, and are prone to attacking. They can be taught to guard important places and sometimes people. Windsnakes are sometimes bread for particular coloration or morphology.
2-6 Years
Average Weight
5 lbs.-14 lbs.
Average Length
5 inches-3 feet


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