Dragonstone Geographic Location in Ur | World Anvil


Dragonstone is a mythical land located far to the northwest of Allrock. The challenges of navigating the seas between there and Allrock make trade nigh on impossible and many denizens of the mainland even doubt its existence


Dragonstone is dominated by a single large mountain called Mt.Tyros, located at the north of the island. There are only two settlements on the island on it's two southern peninsulae. The lands around the mountain are quite frigid difficult terrain while the southern peninsulae offer a more mild temperate climate more hospitable to living and agriculture.


With settlements dominating most of the habitable land in the south most wildlife is forced into northern extremes. Wild animals and monsters in these untamed and forgotten lands can be exceedingly dangerous and as such most people stick to their town except for brief times in the warm months where the roads clear enough to connect the settlements of the island.

Ecosystem Cycles

For the most part Dragonstone doesn't experienc major seasonal shifts during the summer months the snow recedes a couple miles further north and coastal roads connecting to two settlements on the island become more readily accessible.

Localized Phenomena

The island is almost entirely isolated from the outside world with only the occaisional ship daring to brave the nearly impassable Sea of Echoes.


Harsh taiga in the northern reaches with tundra dominating the lands south of Mt.Tyros.

Natural Resources

Small farms produce hearty crops and keep small flocks of livestock. The island is rich with obsidian though given the lack of an export economy it largely is untapped by the locals.


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