Grand Duchy of Karrock Organization in Ur | World Anvil

Grand Duchy of Karrock

The Grand Duke of Karrock is a hereditary title that's been historically tied to the County Karnor. With the latter title typically also conferring the Dukedom to its holder. Through centuries if not millenia of on and off feudal warfare have seen the title pass through multiple different families. The Empire tends to prefer stability in this role, so during periods of Imperial power open warfare becomes a faux pas so the powerful families of Karrock tend to plot for this role with political maneuvering.   This warring and courtly skuduggery has resulted in a formation of a strict feudal hierarchy. The Duke is supported by 2 counts and and a Marquis. The title of Marquis of Karnor is appointed and comes with immense power. They typically oversee the day to day affairs of the Duchy and the administration of the City of Karnor itself. As such the position is typically inhabited by someone loyal to the Duke and often a member of their own family. The two other Counts are the lords of County of the Winds and the County of the Wells.   The current title holder of the Grand Duchy is from house Korralon, who had held the title for most of the 7th Era. Duke Rayvis Korralon is an adept holder of the title, proficient in both political intrigue and capable of marshaling a fearsome force for battle. He's considered an instrumental member of the Imperial Council, with the exodus of Pact aligned provinces from the Empire the Duke has maneuvered his province to a position of prominence in the Empire.


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