House of Tull Organization in Ur | World Anvil

House of Tull

The most powerful house in Farrock currently and for the past millenia. The Warriors of Tull were renowned for their prowess in combat and served as the King's Guard to the Dragon King under his Empire's rule. They were instrumental in the overthrow and destruction of the King's grip on power in the end of the 6th Era when they revolted following the Emperor's decision to cleanse the city of Philos with his dragons. Leveraging their advantageous position in the Emperor's court along with the groundswell of support at home following Philos' destruction to rise to the High Kingship of Farrock. This along with their deep connections across the continent from their position as King's Guards allowed them to seize control over swaths of the existing Imperial bureaucracy to launch an effective campaign of conquest that saw the formation of their own Empire at the dawn of the 7th Era.


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